[syslog-ng] TCP Resets

Michael Starks syslog-ng-list at michaelstarks.com
Mon Sep 28 22:57:32 CEST 2015

I am running syslog-ng 3.4.7 as distributed by ELSA. I have a problem
whereby nxlog agents (v2.9.1347) making a new TCP connection to the
syslog-ng server repeatedly show lines like this in nxlog.log:
2015-09-28 14:28:25 INFO reconnecting in 1 seconds

Many connections are working, but it especially has a problem with new
agents coming online. Sometimes when I restart syslog-ng it helps, but
not always.

Other than the standard ELSA config, I am simply also writing to a
filesystem destination. If I remove the elsa.pl destination, I still
have problems.

The problem isn't necessarily related to just nxlog agents. I also have
a Cisco proxy that is using TCP to send logs, and that is also getting
RSTs sent to it.

I tried v3.6.3 and that didn't seem to help.

A packet capture shows the SYN from the agent, a SYN ACK, another SYN,
then a FIN *prior* to the data packet being received. Immediately after
the data packet, the log server sends a RST. As a result, I have a bunch
of TIME_WAITs open.

No host firewall is running.

I am currently only bursting to about 350 EPS and I have syslog-ng
running in the foreground looking for dropped packets like so (there
haven't been any): /usr/local/syslog-ng-3.4.7/sbin/syslog-ng -Ftvd 2>&1
| grep "dropping messages"

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Currently loaded syslog-ng.conf:
# cat /usr/local/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf
@version: 3.2

options {


        #threaded(yes); # enable if using Syslog-NG 3.3.x

        use_dns (no); # IMPORTANT! A busy syslog server can become
unresponsive if DNS lookups fail, so we disable them.

        use_fqdn (no);

        keep_hostname (yes);


source s_network {

        # no-multi-line means parse message as-is, newlines included, to
allow for multi-line messages




source s_internal {



source s_realtime {

        pipe("/data/elsa/tmp/realtime" flags(expect-hostname));


source s_import {

        pipe("/data/elsa/tmp/import" flags(expect-hostname


source s_ops {

        unix-dgram("/data/elsa/tmp/ops" flags(expect-hostname
syslog-protocol no-multi-line));


parser p_db {



filter f_rewrite_cisco_program { match('^(%[A-Z\_]+\-\d\-[0-9A-Z\_]+):
([^\n]+)' value("MSGONLY") type("pcre") flags("store-matches"
"nobackref")); };

filter f_rewrite_cisco_program_2 {
[A-Z]{3})?: (%[^:]+): ([^\n]+)' value("MSGONLY") type("pcre")
flags("store-matches" "nobackref")); };

filter f_rewrite_cisco_program_3 { match('^\d+[ywdh]\d+[ywdh]: (%[^:]+):
([^\n]+)' value("MSGONLY") type("pcre") flags("store-matches"
"nobackref")); };

filter f_rewrite_cisco_program_4 { match('^\d{6}:
[A-Z]{3})?: (%[^:]+): ([^\n]+)' value("MSGONLY") type("pcre")
flags("store-matches" "nobackref")); };

filter f_unclassified { "${.classifier.class}" eq "unknown" };

rewrite r_unparsed { set("98", value("MSGID")); };

rewrite r_cisco_program {

        set("$1", value("PROGRAM")
condition(filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program) or
filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_2) or filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_3)
or filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_4)));

        set("$2", value("MESSAGE")
condition(filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program) or
filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_2) or filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_3)
or filter(f_rewrite_cisco_program_4)));


rewrite r_snare {
subst("MSWinEventLog.+(Security|Application|System).+", "$1",
value("PROGRAM") flags(global)); };

# URL encode any literal pipes so the tab rewriter doesn't introduce

rewrite r_from_pipes { subst('\|', "%7C", value("MESSAGE") flags(global)
condition(program("bro_*" type(glob)))); };

#rewrite r_from_pipes { subst('\|', "%7C", value("MESSAGE")
flags(global)); };

rewrite r_pipes { subst("\t", "|", value("MESSAGE") flags(global)); };

rewrite r_host { set("$SOURCEIP", value("HOST")); };

rewrite r_extracted_host { set("$pdb_extracted_sourceip", value("HOST")
condition("$pdb_extracted_sourceip" != "")); };

rewrite r_extracted_timestamp {

        set("$S_UNIXTIME", value("SOURCE"));

        set("$pdb_extracted_timestamp", value("SOURCE")
condition("$pdb_extracted_timestamp" != ""));


template t_db_parsed {

template t_db_parsed_import {

template t_ops {
template("$S_UNIXTIME\t$HOST\t$PROGRAM\t$MSGID\t$MSGONLY\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.line_number}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.pid}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.client}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.qid}\t\t\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.priority}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.file}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.method}\t${.SDATA.elsa at 32473.hostname}\t\t\n");

template t_unparsed { template("Unparsed host=$HOST program=$PROGRAM
msg=$MSGONLY\n"); };

destination d_elsa { program("perl /usr/local/elsa/node/elsa.pl -c
/etc/elsa_node.conf" template(t_db_parsed)); };

destination d_elsa_import { program("perl /usr/local/elsa/node/elsa.pl
-c /etc/elsa_node.conf -f __IMPORT__" template(t_db_parsed_import)); };

destination d_elsa_ops { program("perl /usr/local/elsa/node/elsa.pl -c
/etc/elsa_node.conf -f __OPS__" template(t_ops)); };

destination d_unclassified { unix-dgram("/data/elsa/tmp/ops"
flags(syslog-protocol) template(t_unparsed)); };

destination d_debug { unix-dgram("/data/elsa/tmp/debug"
template(t_db_parsed)); };

# Custom destination -Mike

destination d_hosts {



include /etc/elsa_syslog-ng.conf;

#log {

#        source(s_ops);

#        destination(d_elsa_ops);

#        flags(final);


#log {

#        source(s_network);

#        source(s_realtime);

#        rewrite(r_host);

#        rewrite(r_cisco_program);

#        rewrite(r_snare);

#        rewrite(r_from_pipes);

#        rewrite(r_pipes);

#        parser(p_db);

#        rewrite(r_extracted_host);

#        ###FILTER_UNPARSED###log { filter(f_unclassified);
rewrite(r_unparsed); destination(d_unclassified); flags(final); };

#        log { destination(d_elsa); };

#        log { destination(d_debug); };


#log {

#        source(s_import);

#        rewrite(r_cisco_program);

#        rewrite(r_snare);

#        rewrite(r_from_pipes);

#        rewrite(r_pipes);

#        parser(p_db);

#        rewrite(r_extracted_host);

#        rewrite(r_extracted_timestamp);

#        destination(d_elsa_import);


# cat /etc/elsa_syslog-ng.conf


####   Global Options    #########


options {









# Let's not be vulnerable to DNS attacks and general problems



# Keep the original hostname (good for relay servers)


# Keep original timestamp (not received time) - this could be forged, so
use caution during forensincs examinations




###########   Sources    #########


# Source for local system logs

source s_local {

# message generated by Syslog-NG


# standard Linux log source (this is the default place for the syslog()

# function to send logs to)


# messages from the kernel

file("/proc/kmsg" program_override("kernel: "));



######### Destinations  ##########


# This is the directory structure that will be automatically created as
logs come in

destination d_hosts {



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