[syslog-ng] rabbitmq errors

Al Itchon AItchon at boardreader.com
Wed Nov 25 17:26:36 CET 2015

I'm seeing an error in my log indicating that messages aren't being sent to a queue in RabbitMQ.  This happens a few times a week.  Here's the error:

Nov 24 13:29:28 syslog09 syslog-ng[7883]: Network error while inserting into AMQP server; time_reopen='10'

I have about 1000 servers sending tcp messages through a call to /dev/tcp to port on the syslog-ng server.  It seems messages aren't sent to the queue for about 1 or 2 minutes, and then it resumes sending again without error.  Could this be a network issue or something within syslog-ng that's limiting the messages?
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