[syslog-ng] [RFC] procfile destination

Valentijn Sessink valentyn at blub.net
Tue Feb 11 15:52:31 CET 2014


Finally found some time to test this. My setup is rather simple (I 
think), the config-file now says:
destination d_syslogblock { pseudofile 
("/proc/net/xt_recent/syslogblock" template("+${usracct.device}\n")); 
file("/var/log/syslogblock"); file("/tmp/blocker" 
template("+${usracct.device}\n")); };

The "blocker" file is just for testing purposes. and "syslogblock" is to 
log all evil to a regular log file as well.

I got it to work rather easily and will report my findings.

In the mean time, a question: is there anyone who guards the debian/ 
directory inside the source tree? There seem to be some (mostly minor) 
issues, and as I'm fixing them locally in order to get syslog-ng up and 
running, I may as well send them upstream. If anyone cares ;-) that is.

Best regards,


On 12/30/13 19:16, Balazs Scheidler wrote:
> I have now submitted a pull request to merge the "pseudofile"
> destination, I've now skipped the support for destination file
> templates, but that can be added later on when a more concrete usecase
> shows up. It already solves Valentijn's use-case, so it is useful as it is.

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