[syslog-ng] insider 2014-04: incubator packaged; tailing logs; PCI-DSS; eCSI;

Czanik Péter czanik at balabit.hu
Thu Apr 10 12:05:36 CEST 2014

Dear syslog-ng users, 

This is the 33th issue of the syslog-ng Insider, a monthly newsletter that brings you syslog-ng related news. 


syslog-ng incubator packaged and documented
Last month we had a nice list of new syslog-ng incubator features. By that time it was not much documented and was packaged only for a few platforms. Luckily both of these changed, as new features are now well documented in blogs and additional platforms are now supported.

Tailing SSB logs remotely
Perhaps the most important new feature introduced in syslog-ng Store Box 3F2 is the REST-based API to access stored logs and SSB’s indexing engine. It can be used for  “tail -f logfile.txt | grep foo” functionality by creating a simple shell script.

Google Summer of Code (GsoC)
Student application deadline is over and we are happy to announce, that there are many promising applications. Right now we don't know yet how many of these we can accept, the number of slots will only be known by the end of the month. Stay tuned!

PCI-DSS compliance and log management
After the new version of PCI DSS was published in November, we decided to revisit our very popular Regulatory Compliance and System Logging white paper. Since PCI DSS is such an important standard, we decided to dedicate a white paper exclusively to this topic. In addition to highlighting the changes in version 3.0, we have changed the format of the paper to include information on how log management can help you meet each requirement – not just number 10 – as well as detailed information on how syslog-ng Premium Edition and the syslog-ng Store Box can help you fulfill PCI-DSS requirements.

Become an eCSI Officer - free of charge
Unknown hackers, industrial espionage, or malicious codes spread by zombie networks are not the greatest risks today: your own users do most of the real damage. To help you overcome these challenges, we have created an information-packed education series. The eCSI video series consists of separate modules that you can watch one-by-one, covering various aspects of logging, log management, and privileged activity management from the ground up.

* LOADays 2014 experiences: https://czanik.blogs.balabit.com/2014/04/loadays-2014/
* Why somebody chose syslog-ng over rival logging solutions: http://sharknet.us/2014/04/04/a-review-of-syslog-ng/


The next confirmed events are:
* Infosecurity Europe, 29 April - 1 May, London, United Kingdom: http://www.infosec.co.uk/, Giving a talk titled "Finding method in the madness: the challenges of the automatic classification of log messages". The talk will be given by Balazs Scheidler (Bazsi) who you will also be able to find at the BalaBit booth at the event.
* LinuxTag, 8-10 May, Berlin, Germany: http://linuxtag.org, Giving a talk titled "Finding method in the madness: the challenges of the automatic classification of log messages". BalaBit will also be sponsoring the event so you'll be able to find us and get T-shirts and talk with our engineers. The talk will be a revised version of the talk given a week before at Infosecurity Europe.

* Check git if you are impatient :)

Your feedback and news tips about the next issue is welcome at documentation at balabit.com To read this newsletter on-line, visit: http://insider.blogs.balabit.com/
Peter Czanik (CzP) <czanik at balabit.hu>
BalaBit IT Security / syslog-ng upstream

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