[syslog-ng] Syslog-ng 3.4.x rewrite rules and log_msg_is_write_protected

Evan Rempel erempel at uvic.ca
Tue Feb 5 01:00:13 CET 2013

I have a very simple rewrite rule, which just figures out the short hostname and populates a
macro SHORTHOST with the short host name.

# --- to produce a short host macro SHOST
filter f_short_host_at {
         match('^[^@]+@([^.]+)\.' value("HOST") type(pcre) flags("store-matches" "nobackref"));
filter f_short_host {
         match('^([^.@]+)\.' value("HOST") type(pcre) flags("store-matches" "nobackref"));

rewrite r_short_host {
         set("$1", value("SHORTHOST") condition(filter(f_short_host_at) or filter(f_short_host) ) );

I have two different config files (they are complicated, but the rewrite portion is not).

log {
         log {

In one config everything works as expected (-Fdv output)

Syslog connection accepted; fd='20', client='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET('
Incoming log entry; line='<134>2013-02-04T15:28:46-08:00 pangolin.comp.uvic.ca/pangolin.comp.uvic.ca action-handler[24020]: starting'
Filter node evaluation result; result='not-match'
Filter node evaluation result; result='not-match', type='filter(f_short_host_at)'
Filter node evaluation result; result='match'
Filter node evaluation result; result='match', type='filter(f_short_host)'
Filter node evaluation result; result='match', type='OR'
Rewrite expression evaluation result; value='SHORTHOST', new_value='pangolin', rule='r_short_host', location='/usr/local/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.server.conf:173:2'

On the other config (same host and all versions of software)

Syslog connection accepted; fd='19', client='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET('
Incoming log entry; line='<134>2013-02-04T15:28:46-08:00 pangolin.comp.uvic.ca/pangolin.comp.uvic.ca action-handler[24020]: starting'
Filter node evaluation result; result='not-match'
Filter node evaluation result; result='not-match', type='filter(f_short_host_at)'
ERROR:logmsg.c:535:log_msg_set_value_indirect: assertion failed: (!log_msg_is_write_protected(self))

and syslog-ng dies.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

Under what conditions does the log_msg become write protected?


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