[syslog-ng] Can't seem to do a simple parse

Tracy Dalzell tracy at guisolutions.com
Fri Sep 21 19:04:19 CEST 2012

I am trying to do a very simple parsing test to reformat a message using
syslog-ng 3.3.6 and I can't seem to use the value of my macro



patterndb (test.xml):

<patterndb version='4' pub_date='2012-09-21'>

    <ruleset name='test' id='123456678'>



                <rule provider='me' id='182437592347598' class='system'>


                        <pattern>@STRING:mystring: @</pattern>








pdbtool results:

[root at loghost01 syslog-ng]# pdbtool match -c -D -v -p test.xml -P test
-M "INSERT INTO Test (id, value) VALUES (1, .044212)"

Pattern matching part:

@STRING:mystring=INSERT INTO Test @

Matching part:



MESSAGE=INSERT INTO Test (id, value) VALUES (1, .044212)






relevent syslog-ng.conf lines:

source s_remote { tcp(); };

parser p_test   { db-parser(file("/etc/syslog-ng/test.xml")); };

destination d_test { file("/var/log/splunk/$HOST" template("Here is the
message: ${R_DATE} ${mystring}\n")); };

log { source(s_remote); parser(p_test); destination(d_test); };\n")); };



Results from logger "INSERT INTO Test (id, value) VALUES (1, .044212)"
on client are:

Here is the message: Sep 21 16:46:53



Value of ${mystring} is null.  What am I missing?

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