[syslog-ng] Forward slashes in QSTRING

Michael Starks syslog-ng-list at michaelstarks.com
Sun Jun 17 19:43:59 CEST 2012

Is it possible to use a / as a delimiter in QSTRING? The documentation 
seems to permit it, but my pattern doesn't work. Here's the pattern:

<pattern>Alert Level: @NUMBER:i0:@; Rule: @NUMBER:i1:@ - @ESTRING:s0:;@ 
Location: @QSTRING:s1:()@ @IPv4:i2:@->syscheck; Integrity checksum 
changed for: @QSTRING:s4:/'@</pattern>

And here's the string I want to match on:

Alert Level: 7; Rule: 550 - Integrity checksum changed.; Location: 
(agentname)>syscheck; Integrity checksum changed for: 

The idea is to extract only 'fstab' (without the quotes). I have also 
tried 0x2f in place of / with similar results, and various attempts at 
escaping it have failed. Thanks.

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