[syslog-ng] Error on start of Syslog-NG

Michael Kolowicz michael.kolowicz at km-f.eu
Tue Jan 17 14:44:15 CET 2012

I using Syslog-NG on 3.2.6 on Ubuntu 10.04


If I start / reload syslog-ng I see following error:


Reloading syslog-ng's config file: WARNING: Configuration file format is too
old, please update it to use the 3.2 format as some constructs might operate
WARNING: the expected message format is being changed for unix-domain
transports to improve syslogd compatibity with syslog-ng 3.2. If you are
using custom applications which bypass the syslog() API, you might need the
'expect-hostname' flag to get the old behaviour back;



My Configuration is:


@version: 3.2

#ADM_NTINST @ 09:41 13.01.2012


source s_local {internal(); unix-stream("/dev/log");};

source s_udp {udp(port(514));};



destination d_SYSLOG         { file("/var/log/syslog");};

destination SUA002254_localhost_SYS_SYSLOG_local
{program("/usr/bin/mysql --host=localhost --user=USR_SYS_SYSLOG
--password=pw_Syslog SYS_SYSLOG" template("INSERT INTO local (host,
source_ip,facility, priority, tag, unixtime,program, msg) VALUES
$MSGONLY' );\n") template-escape(yes));};

destination d_udp1514        {udp("" port (1514);

destination SUA002254_localhost_SYS_SYSLOG_uaagent {sql( type(mysql) 






columns("host", "source_ip", "facility", "priority", "tag", "unixtime",
"program", "msg") 


indexes("host", "source_ip", "facility", "priority", "tag", "unixtime",
"program", "msg"));};



log      { source(s_local); destination(d_SYSLOG);
destination(SUA002254_localhost_SYS_SYSLOG_local); }; 


log      { source(s_udp); destination(d_udp1514);
destination(SUA002254_localhost_SYS_SYSLOG_uaagent); destination(d_SYSLOG);




Freundliche Grüße / Best regards


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