[syslog-ng] [ANN]: balabit.logstore - Open Source LogStore reader API

Gergely Nagy algernon at balabit.hu
Mon Apr 30 13:19:32 CEST 2012

PACKAGE   : com.balabit/logstore
VERSION   : 0.0.1
SUMMARY   : First alpha release
DATE      : 2012 April 24
HOMEPAGE  : http://algernon.github.com/balabit.logstore


  The balabit.logstore project is a library written in Clojure, that
  tries to provide a convenient API to read syslog-ng PE LogStore files.

  The reason behind the implementation is to have an independent, open
  source reader for the LogStore file format, so that one is not tied to
  syslog-ng to read one's logs stored in this format. An open
  implementation makes it possible to read these logs on systems where
  syslog-ng is not installed, or where the lgstool program is not

  LogStore itself is a storage format for log messages, supporting
  encryption, compression, secure timestamps, serialized messages (think
  name-value pairs as opposed to just a plain, formatted string) and a
  lot more. This format is being opened, and this library is meant to
  provide an implenetation for a LogStore reader, that will eventually
  support reading all kinds of LogStore files.


  (ns example
    (:require [balabit.logstore :as logstore]))

  (defn lgstool-cat
    ([] (lgstool-cat "resources/logstores/short.compressed.store"))
       (logstore/with-file filename
         (let [indexed-records (zipmap (range (count (logstore/records)))
               chunk-records (keys (filter #(= :chunk (:type (val %)))
               print-msgs (fn [index]
                            (dorun (map println (:messages (logstore/nth-record index)))))]
           (dorun (map print-msgs chunk-records))))))

  (lgstool-cat "/path/to/logstore/messages.store")

  More examples can be found bundled with the sources, and as part of
  the documentation:


  The library - being in very early alpha stage - can already read some
  LogStore files, and transparently decompress them, collect meta-data
  about both the logstore, and the information stored within.

  It comes with an extensive test suite and a lot of examples.


  We are working on making the library able to deserialize name-value
  pairs, to make it support decrypting logstores, and paralell to that,
  we're working on a Java API, so that it can be used from a more
  familiar language, and still provide a convenient, easy to use API.

  In the future, we also plan to publish ready to use JAR files that one
  can easily use from any Java or Clojure project.


  The source is available from the git repository at github:

  Documentation and more information about the library is available on
  its homepage at http://algernon.github.com/balabit.logstore/. People
  interested in the development of the library can also look at the
  developer docs at:


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