[syslog-ng] libdbi too old?

John Kristoff jtk at cymru.com
Thu Jun 2 15:38:27 CEST 2011

On Sun, 22 May 2011 13:32:31 +0200
Balazs Scheidler <bazsi at balabit.hu> wrote:

> It's not difficult to compile from sources however, and the exact
> libdbi version that we use in PE binary packages can be found on
> git.balabit.hu/bazsi/libdbi.git and libdbi-drivers.git.

From my notes, here are the steps used to build a recent version of
syslog-ng on a CentOS box with libdbi and specifically pgsql support.

  # ld.so.conf might need to contain:

  sudo yum install gtk2-devel
  sudo yum install libdbi-devel
  sudo yum install libdbi-dbd-pgsql

  cd ~/workdir
  wget http://www.balabit.com/downloads/files/eventlog/0.2/eventlog_0.2.12.tar.gz
  tar zxvf eventlog_0.2.12.tar.gz
  cd eventlog-0.2.12
  sudo make install

  cd ~/workdir
  # syslog-ng 3.2.x needs newer libdbi than what CentOS has, build from source
  # get http://sourceforge.net/projects/libdbi/files/libdbi/libdbi-0.8.3/
  cd libdb-0.8.3
  ./configure --disable-docs && make && sudo make install
  sudo make install

  cd ~/workdir
  # syslog-ng 3.2.x needs newer libdbi-drivers than what CentOS has, build from source
  # get http://sourceforge.net/projects/libdbi-drivers/files/libdbi-drivers/libdbi-drivers-0.8.3-1/libdbi-drivers-0.8.3-1.tar.gz/download
  tar zxvf libdb-drivers-0.8.3-1.tar.gz
  cd libdbi-drivers-0.8.3-1
  ./configure --with-dbi-incdir=/usr/local/include/dbi --with-dbi-libdir=/usr/local/lib --with-pgsql-dir=/usr/local/pgsql --with-pgsql --disable-docs
  sudo make install

  cd ~/workdir
  wget http://www.balabit.com/downloads/files/syslog-ng/sources/3.2.4/source/syslog-ng_3.2.4.tar.gz
  tar zxvf syslog-ng_3.2.4.tar.gz
  cd syslog-ng-3.2.4
  LIBDBI_LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib -ldbi" LIBDBI_CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/dbi" ./configure --enable-ssl --enable-sql
  # NOTE: there is a bug in syslog-ng 3.2.4 and below and it should be patched. For details, see this bug_id: https://bugzilla.balabit.com/show_bug.cgi?id=120
  sudo make install


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