[syslog-ng] [PATCH] make 'syslog-ng -s' stay in the foreground

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Sun May 9 04:32:45 CEST 2010


I recently upgraded to syslog-ng 3.1.1 and noticed messages like this
appearing on terminals owned by root:

2010 May  7 06:25:21 fire Daemon exited gracefully, not restarting;

This is triggered by a daily logrotate cron job that runs 'syslog-ng -s'
before sending the daemon a SIGHUP. It seems that 'syslog-ng -s' will
daemonize and fork; the child process runs the syntax check and exits
immediately, and then the parent process sends the above message via

I can work around it by using 'syslog-ng -sF', but I also hacked up a
small patch to force the process to be in the foreground when -s is
specified. Is this useful? If not, I'll send a patch to Debian to use
'syslog-ng -sF' instead.

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