[syslog-ng] assigning structured data from IETF syslog messages to macros
Risto Vaarandi
risto.vaarandi at seb.ee
Thu Jun 10 10:14:44 CEST 2010
hi all,
I have run into an issue when trying to process structured data from
IETF syslog messages. According to syslog-ng administrators guide (I am
using syslog-ng 3.0.7), the SDATA.SDID.SDNAME macro can be used for
referring structured data.
However, when I tried to test the example from the administrator guide,
I found that only the $SDATA macro works fine. The example is somewhat
confusing, since the SDATA.EXAMPLE.EVENTSOURCE macro allegedly points to
the SD ID "exampleSDID at 0" (which contains the name eventSource).
In order to test syslog-ng with a clearer case, I created the following
messages with nc:
echo -n '<165>1 2010-06-09T18:00:00.000000+02:00 myproc - -
[timeQuality tzKnown="0" isSynced="0"] This is a test' | nc -w 1 -u
localhost 8514
The syslog-ng configuration looks like this:
template format { template("$DATE $HOST [$FACILITY.$LEVEL] $MSG
StructuredData = ${SDATA.TIMEQUALITY.TZKNOWN}\n"); };
#template format { template("$DATE $HOST [$FACILITY.$LEVEL] $MSG
StructuredData = ${SDATA}\n"); };
source ietfmsg { syslog(ip( port(8514) transport(udp)); };
destination netlog { file("/var/log/syslog-ng.log" template(format)); };
log { source(ietfmsg); destination(netlog); };
If the second template definition is active (i.e., the first definition
is commented out), everything works fine and I have the following
messages in the log:
Jun 9 18:00:00 localhost [local4.notice] This is a test StructuredData
= [timeQuality tzKnown="0" isSynced="0"]
However, when the first template definition is activated, I will get the
following output from syslog-ng:
Incoming log entry; line='<165>1 2010-06-09T18:00:00.000000+02:00 myproc - - [timeQuality tzKnown="0" isSynced="0"] This is a
No such value known; value='SDATA.TIMEQUALITY.TZKNOWN'
Also, the log messages look like this:
Jun 9 18:00:00 localhost [local4.notice] This is a test StructuredData =
What am I doing wrong? The example from the manual does not seem to
work, neither does my simple test case.
kind regards,
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