[syslog-ng] file() source driver on regular file

Risto Vaarandi risto.vaarandi at seb.ee
Mon Jul 5 16:51:07 CEST 2010

hi all,

is file() driver intended for reading kernel messages only on Linux, or 
does it work for regular files also? I've tried to get the following 
simple configuration working, but without success:

source textfile { file("/home/risto/test.log" flags(no-parse) 
follow-freq(1)); };
destination testlog { file("/var/log/test.log"); };
log { source(textfile); destination(testlog); };

The source definition is identical to the example from the syslog-ng 
administrator guide (I've played with the options, but the result is the 

When syslog-ng starts up, it produces the following error messages:

Follow-mode file source not found, deferring open; 
The current log file has a mismatching size/inode information, 
restarting from the beginning; filename='/home/risto/test.log'

If /home/risto/test.log does not exist, only the first message is 
produced. Is reading from regular files only supported by PE? (I am 
using the 3.0.7 open source version of syslog-ng.)

kind regards,

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