[syslog-ng] syslog-ng MSGHDR

Mij mij at sshguard.net
Fri Jan 22 09:43:06 CET 2010

Dear syslog-ng folks,

I am the maintainer of sshguard, see http://www.sshguard.net .
Sshguard can be interfaced with syslog-ng. Multiple users of syslog-ng
recently reported that switching to 3.x required a configuration change
for preserving the original logging format, see


We reflected the reports by updating the setup docs to contain a block
for the 2.x version and one for 3.x , see


However, this change is not apparent in your documentation or changelogs,
and other users reported that with even more recent versions, the "old format"
is again the correct one.

Can you clarify what is the intended template for producing entry tags
of the classic format "Jan 21 12:54:09 examplehost proftpd[18965]: applmsg"
in the different versions?


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