[syslog-ng] problem configuring syslog-ng with TLS

Charles Jennings jennings.charles.e.security at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 17:43:01 CEST 2009

Not to knock syslog-ng tls - I also had problems - so I turned to this
solution:  syslog-ng over stunnel:


From: syslog-ng-bounces at lists.balabit.hu
[mailto:syslog-ng-bounces at lists.balabit.hu] On Behalf Of fredzy padzy
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:28 AM
To: Syslog-ng users' and developers' mailing list
Subject: Re: [syslog-ng] problem configuring syslog-ng with TLS

Hi Mohsen

I'm having the same kind of problem with the simple authentication (IE not
mutual one)

The error is the same one (and sometime turne into a tlsv1 alert unknow ca),
and i think syslog-ng client isn't able to read the cacert.pem file, from
the CA that signed the certificate sent by the syslog-ng server ... quite
strange moreover the rights and conf looks good

Anyway, i'm surprised with your client conf :
Server config:
destination d_tlsserver {
   tcp("" port(1999)
Did you try without this line ?

Also check your client logs, i've got some "unable to get local issuer
certificate" in my /var/adm/messages


2009/7/16 Mohsen Alimomeni <m.alimomeni at gmail.com>

Hi everyone,
I want to configure syslog-ng with TLS, but there are problems in client
connecting to server. This is the error in client side:

Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: syslog-ng starting up;
Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: Syslog connection established;
fd='7', server='AF_INET(', local='AF_INET('
Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: Certificate validation failed;
subject='emailAddress=momeni at amnafzar.com, CN=momeni, ..to the end! ',
error='invalid CA certificate', depth='1'
Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: SSL error while writing stream;
tls_error='SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify
Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: I/O error occurred while writing;
fd='7', error='Broken pipe (32)'
Jul 16 17:04:10 momeni syslog-ng[31084]: Syslog connection broken; fd='7',
server='AF_INET(', time_reopen='60'

To make sure my certificates are valid I run two commands:
On server: openssl s_server -CApath CA/ -CAfile CA/cacert.pem -cert
Client/clientcert.pem -key Client/clientkeye
em -accept 8080

On client: openssl s_client -connect
The result on the client is the server certificate and the last line is:
Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)

The client and server are both syslog-ng_3.0.2 (and 3.0.3) in ubuntu. These
are the steps I configured the client and server:
I used the script CA.sh to genereate X.509 certificates. I created a cacert
using the command:
       CA.sh -newca
created the ca files :cacert.pem, ..
created a request:
       CA.sh -newreq
rename the files created to syslog_cert.pem and syslog_ket.pem
signed it with the ca:
       CA.sh -sign
Then I copied the cacert.pem file to client and created it's hash as
explained in syslog-ng documentation.

configuration files:

Client config:
destination d_tlsserver {
   tcp("" port(1999)

Server config:
source rezvani_tls {
   tcp(ip( port(1999) max-connections(300)

__ \ /_\\_-//_ Mohsen Alimomeni

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