[syslog-ng] Stripping numerals in the destination

Evan Rempel erempel at uvic.ca
Fri Aug 1 03:29:03 CEST 2008

filter f_host { host(^([^0-9]+)[0-9]+); };
destination d_host {file("/log1/syslog/$1/$R_YEAR/$R_MONTH/$R_YEAR-$R_MONTH-$R_DAY"
                          template("$ISODATE <$FACILITY.$PRIORITY> $1 $MSG\n")
log { source(your_source); filter(f_host); destination(d_host); };

This will log anything that is non-numeric followed by numbers to the non-numeric path, and
"spoof" the hostname as if it were the non-numeric host. You may with to put the $host macro
in place of the $1 in the template.

Alternatively, if you have a limited number of server types, you could do

filter f_web { host(^web[0-9]+); };
destination d_web { file("/log1/syslog/web/$R_YEAR/$R_MONTH/$R_YEAR-$R_MONTH-$R_DAY"
                          template("$ISODATE <$FACILITY.$PRIORITY> web $MSG\n")
log { source(your_source); filter f_web; destination(d_web); };

for each server type.

Evan Rempel

Cliff Fogle wrote:
> I have several server types, like web001-web100 and thumb001-thumb010 or db001-db004
> I want each server type to log to the same file and I can't for the life of me figure out a regex for $HOST in the destination statement to strip numerals.
> Where the first $HOST is below I want to do something like a sed "s/[0-9]*$//"
> destination d_host {
>         file("/log1/syslog/$HOST/$R_YEAR/$R_MONTH/$R_YEAR-$R_MONTH-$R_DAY"
>                 template("$ISODATE <$FACILITY.$PRIORITY> $HOST $MSG\n")
>                 template_escape(no)
> );
> };
> Thanks for any help you can provide.  I've been banging my head against google for hours now...
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