[syslog-ng] facilities problem

Geller, Sandor (IT) Sandor.Geller at morganstanley.com
Fri Oct 12 15:48:44 CEST 2007


> Hi,
> I have a problem with syslog-ng facilities.
> I use a program called SEC to customize logs.
> so my logs come to my syslog-ng server, which send them to SEC by
> running it, and then, SEC gives them back to syslog-ng 
> throught a pipe,
> and then, syslog-ng send them into a mysql database.
> in the config file, I have :
> source src_reseau { udp(ip( port(513)); };
> source src_solaris { sun-streams("/dev/log" 
> door("/etc/.syslog_door")); };
> destination d_sec { program("/var/hote/sec-2.4.1/sec.pl -input=-
> -conf=/etc/syslog-ng/sec.conf -log=/var/adm/sec.log"); };
> log { source(src_reseau); source(src_solaris); destination(d_sec); };
> and after SEC, it returns to syslog-ng
> source src_sec { pipe("/tmp/src_sec.pipe"); };
> destination d_mysql { program("mysql -h xxx -u xxx 
> --password=xxx syslog 
>  >/dev/null" template ("INSERT INTO logs (host, facility, priority,
> level, tag, datetime, program, msg) VALUES ('$HOST' , 'auth' ,
> '$PROGRAM', '$MSG' );\n") template-escape(yes)); };
> log { source(src_sec); destination(da_mysql); };
> The problem is : Before comming back throught the pipe, facilities and
> levels are corrects, but after a pipe (or a file, because I 
> experienced
> the same problem with a file input), facilities and levels are
> user.notice in all cases...
> Does syslog-ng incapable of reading facilities throught files 
> and pipes,
> or did I missed something?

user.notice is the default facility/severity if the log message
doesn't contain this information. My guess is that syslog-ng doesn't
send this information to your script because your d_sec destination
doesn't use a template. Try using a template like



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