[syslog-ng] Don't log process PID or timestamp

Martin Stabenfeldt martin at stabenfeldt.net
Wed May 23 10:54:15 CEST 2007


I'm running syslog-ng on my log-server. I don't want it to include the PID, timestamp or hostname in the log it captures.

Is it possible to strip this on the server-side, or must this be done on the
client that sends the syslog messages?

use Net::Syslog;
      my $s=new Net::Syslog(Facility=>'local1',Priority=>'info',SyslogHost=>'loghost.com');
      $s->send('see this in syslog',Priority=>'info');

    May 16 10:15:06 webserver apache-syslogger.pl[14490]: see this in syslog

I only want to see "see this in syslog".

All advice is highly appreciated! :)

Martin Stabenfeldt

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