[syslog-ng] Question about regular expressions

Alexander Clouter ac56 at soas.ac.uk
Fri Jan 12 11:06:37 CET 2007


Phusion <phusion2k at gmail.com> [20070111 12:14:23 -0600]:
> I need some help in my config file using regular expressions. This
> filter is for http requests from Apache. I am trying to get this
> filter to catch the following two types of messages.
>                httpd[....]     and     /websites/abc/test
>                logger:         and     test.abc.com
> I have tried the following.
> filter fd_httpd_test.abc.com { match("httpd[\[0-9]+\]") and
> match("/websites/abc/test")
>                or match("logger:") and match("test.abc.com"); };
> I also tried this.
> filter fd_httpd_test.abc.com { match("httpd[\[0-9]+\]*/websites/abc/test")
>                or match("logger:*test.abc.com"); };
Time to brush up on your regex.  There are a bunch of 'special' characters 
that need to be escaped (with a backslash '\') if you want to explicitly look 
for them.
  * '.' means any character
  * '/' means, well its hard to explain but its used to make the regex 
	perform a function
  * '[' and ']' are used to say things like "one character for the list 
	contained within the square brackets.  So '[abc]' would say a single 
	instance of either 'a', 'b' or 'c'

A good starting point would be to have a look at:

I'm guessing the following will match:
   filter fd_httpd_test.abc.com {
	( match("httpd\[[0-9]+\]:") and match("\/websites\/abc\/test") )
	( match("logger:") and match("test\.abc\.com") );



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