[syslog-ng] I/O error occurred while reading; fd='4',error='Operation not permitted (1)'

Matt Miller syslog-ng at mattmillersf.fastmail.fm
Thu Jan 4 01:41:49 CET 2007

> > I can't seem to read /proc/kmsg as user syslogng no matter what
> > permissions I set:
> I think this might be caused by something like SELinux, which prevents
> reading /proc/kmsg from a chroot.

I'm running debian etch, and I'm pretty sure SELinux is disabled by
default.   I haven't taken any steps to turn this on.  Also, the
following seems to show that only root can read from the standard

mmiller at xpc1:~$ ls -l /proc/kmsg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 mmiller mmiller 0 2007-01-03 21:37 /proc/kmsg

mmiller at xpc1:~$ cat /proc/kmsg
cat: /proc/kmsg: Operation not permitted

So, how can "syslog-ng -u" allow me to run the daemon as an unprivileged
user?  If I just ignore this non-fatal problem, what limitations might I
have with syslog-ng's capabilities?

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