[syslog-ng] Can TAG field be terminated by space?

Evan Rempel erempel at uvic.ca
Sat Dec 29 19:00:09 CET 2007

> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 18:50 +0200, Balazs Scheidler wrote:
>> On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 18:26 +0900, Tsurusawa Takeshi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using syslog-ng-2.0.5 and trying to store syslog messages into a DB table with
>>>  a TAG field column.
>>> But when TAG fileld is terminated with space character(' ') in syslog message,
>>> syslog-ng parser returns as TAG field not only TAG field but also some extra strings
>>> end with a colon(':') in CONTENT field.
>>> For example,  if MSG part is "program abc: message...", syslog-ng returns
>>> "program abc" as a TAG field.
>>> According to the section 4.1.3 of RFC3164, a space character can also terminate a TAG field.
>>>    The TAG is a string of
>>>    ABNF alphanumeric characters that MUST NOT exceed 32 characters.  Any
>>>    non-alphanumeric character will terminate the TAG field and will be
>>>    assumed to be the starting character of the CONTENT field.  Most
>>>    commonly, the first character of the CONTENT field that signifies the
>>>    conclusion of the TAG field has been seen to be the left square
>>>    bracket character ("["), a colon character (":"), or a space
>>>    character.
>>> Is it possible to change this behavior of syslog-ng?
>> I'm usually reluctant to make such changes as it is very easy to create
>> regressions when changing the log parsing code.
>> However there were two similar cases in the message parsing code that
>> used different TAG terminator characters, thus I unified the two. (one
>> was using space as separator).
>> Here's the patch:
>> http://git.balabit.hu/?p=bazsi/syslog-ng-2.0.git;a=commit;h=4a84d904fe0fc5b3627773bafe6966ad9037386d
>> tomorrow's snapshot should also contain the change.
> As I feared somewhat this change caused a regression for programs that
> intentionally use "/" in the name of the program. Such an example is
> "postfix"
> I've changed this patch, a program name is terminated by either of the
> following characters: space, '[' and ':'. This still achieves what you
> originally wanted, but still does not match the RFC as that causes
> trouble.
> The two code paths using different characters were also unified to use
> this three characters.

Wow, this is a can of worms.

If I use a template of


it should recreate the entire syslog message, but it will not.
The information inside of the [xxx] of the program will be
dropped (or will it be part of the MSGONLY?

If you want to exclude the [xxx] from the PROGRAM macro then I think
that a new macro is required that will contain the [xxx] component.
Perhaps INSTANCE or IDENTIFIER or UNIQUE. I don't have the RFC
in front of me, but using the terminology that the RFC uses
would be good. The I can write a template of


to recreate the syslog record.

An what about if the INSTANCE is not present in the record....
Perhaps we need a conditional template? Currently two
destinations with the same endpoint, that use different templates
and different filters can be used to accomplish this, but it
gets convoluted very quickly.


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