[syslog-ng] Minor Compile Issue

Andrew Morris morrisa at telusplanet.net
Wed May 11 20:50:56 CEST 2005

Balazs Scheidler wrote:

> On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 10:12 -0600, Andrew Morris wrote:
>>My fix so far is to go and comment out that line before I run configure, 
>>but that's just a quick hack.
>>Oh, and just before someone says otherwise, configure modifies some .h 
>>files and there's no way (that I know of anyways - please correct me if 
>>I'm wrong) to override those settings via make.
> Can you go into some more details? What do you want to accomplish
> exactly?

In my case I just want the syslog-ng.conf file in /etc.  The only way I 
could get this done is to specify a conf file on the command line or to 
comment out the line in the configure.in file that adds the syslog-ng 
directory to the sysconfdir variable.

>>I'm not asking anyone to change the defaults, but is it possible to either:
>>1) Add another option to configure to handle the subdirectory?  eg: 
>>--sysconfsubdir or something like this? (eg: the default would end up 
>>being $PREFIX/$SYSCONFDIR/$SYSCONFSUBDIR/syslog-ng.conf)
>>2) If --sysconfdir is specified, use whatever it is set to.  Otherwise 
>>use $PREFIX/etc/syslog-ng
> Although I agree with you, I'd rather not change it for the current
> tree. The 2.0 tree behaves correctly in this regard (e.g. uses plain
> $sysconfdir)

Ok, I need this for strict production systems, so I opted for the 1.6 
tree as it was listed as "stable" on the web page.

For now, my "hack" works and doesn't cause any major issues.  If it's 
handled in the 2.0 tree, I agree with you in not changing anything with 
the 1.6 tree.

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