[syslog-ng] help for windows logging

antonio antamo at flashnet.it
Thu Jun 23 10:34:39 CEST 2005

Roberto Nibali wrote:

> May I suggest that you maybe think about your naming convention? It 
> could prove helpful prefixing filters with "f_", destinations with "d_" 
> and sources with "s_" to omit naming confusions (there should not be a 
> name space collision though).
>> when i type syslog-ng -f /etc/syslog-nf.conf
>> i get this error message:
>> # syslog-ng -f /etc/syslog-ng.conf
>> unresolved reference: local
> Do you have a local source entry in your config file somewhere? For 
> example something along the lines of:
> source local {
>     internal();
>     unix-stream("/dev/log");
>     file("/proc/kmsg");

yes i do...

here is my conf file.. as you can see this is the sample conf file... 
what i need more is to log windows pc at the moment.

# Syslog-ng example configuration for for Debian GNU/Linux
# Copyright (c) 1999 anonymous
# Copyright (c) 1999 Balazs Scheidler
# $Id: syslog-ng.conf.sample,v 1.3 2003/05/20 08:57:27 asd Exp $
# Syslog-ng configuration file, compatible with default Debian syslogd
# installation.

options { long_hostnames(off); sync(0); };

####windows logging####

filter windows {
destination windows {
log {
source(local); filter(windows); destination(windows);

####windows logging####

source src { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); };
source net { udp(); };

destination authlog { file("/var/log/auth.log"); };
destination syslog { file("/var/log/syslog"); };
destination cron { file("/var/log/cron.log"); };
destination daemon { file("/var/log/daemon.log"); };
destination kern { file("/var/log/kern.log"); };
#destination lpr { file("/var/log/lpr.log"); };
destination user { file("/var/log/user.log"); };
#destination uucp { file("/var/log/uucp.log"); };
#destination ppp { file("/var/log/ppp.log"); };
destination mail { file("/var/log/mail.log"); };

destination mailinfo { file("/var/log/mail.info"); };
destination mailwarn { file("/var/log/mail.warn"); };
destination mailerr { file("/var/log/mail.err"); };

destination newscrit { file("/var/log/news/news.crit"); };
destination newserr { file("/var/log/news/news.err"); };
destination newsnotice { file("/var/log/news/news.notice"); };

destination debug { file("/var/log/debug"); };
destination messages { file("/var/log/messages"); };
destination console { usertty("root"); };
destination console_all { file("/dev/tty12"); };
#destination loghost { udp("loghost" port(999)); };

destination xconsole { pipe("/dev/xconsole"); };

filter f_auth { facility(auth); };
filter f_authpriv { facility(auth, authpriv); };
filter f_syslog { not facility(authpriv, mail); };
filter f_cron { facility(cron); };
filter f_daemon { facility(daemon); };
filter f_kern { facility(kern); };
#filter f_lpr { facility(lpr); };
filter f_mail { facility(mail); };
filter f_user { facility(user); };
#filter f_uucp { facility(cron); };
#filter f_ppp { facility(local2); };
filter f_news { facility(news); };
filter f_debug { not facility(auth, authpriv, news, mail); };
filter f_messages { level(info..warn)
         and not facility(auth, authpriv, mail, news); };
filter f_emergency { level(emerg); };

filter f_info { level(info); };
filter f_notice { level(notice); };
filter f_warn { level(warn); };
filter f_crit { level(crit); };
filter f_err { level(err); };

log { source(src); filter(f_authpriv); destination(authlog); };
log { source(src); filter(f_syslog); destination(syslog); };
log { source(src); filter(f_cron); destination(cron); };
log { source(src); filter(f_daemon); destination(daemon); };
log { source(src); filter(f_kern); destination(kern); };
#log { source(src); filter(f_lpr); destination(lpr); };
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); destination(mail); };
log { source(src); filter(f_user); destination(user); };
#log { source(src); filter(f_uucp); destination(uucp); };
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_info); destination(mailinfo); };
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_warn); destination(mailwarn); };
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_err); destination(mailerr); };
log { source(src); filter(f_news); filter(f_crit); destination(newscrit); };
log { source(src); filter(f_news); filter(f_err); destination(newserr); };
log { source(src); filter(f_news); filter(f_notice); 
destination(newsnotice); };
log { source(src); filter(f_debug); destination(debug); };
log { source(src); filter(f_messages); destination(messages); };
log { source(src); filter(f_emergency); destination(console); };
#log { source(src); filter(f_ppp); destination(ppp); };
log { source(src); destination(console_all); };

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