[syslog-ng] Hosts aren't logging to my log host

Ryan McCain Ryan.McCain at dss.state.la.us
Thu Jul 7 21:31:30 CEST 2005

I'm wanting all routers to log to their respective directories.   I'm running this on SLES 9.  Let me know if there is any debug output I need to provide.  I'm new to syslog-ng, so I'm assuming, I'm missing something in the config file.

Thanks, Ryan


options                 { mark(600); sync(0); use_dns(yes); create_dirs(yes); };

# Source dirvers
source src_int          { internal(); };
source src              { unix-stream("/dev/log"); };
source tcp              { tcp(); };

# Destinations drivers; use macro expansion to make seperating logs easier
destination d_facility  { file("/var/log/syslog-ng/$HOST/$YEAR/$MONTH/$DAY/$FACILITY" perm(0600)); };
destination d_program   { file("/var/log/syslog-ng/$HOST/$YEAR/$MONTH/$DAY/$PROGRAM" perm(0600)); };

# Finally, actually log everything to its appropriate place
log                     { source("src"); destination("d_facility"); };
log                     { source("src"); destination("d_program"); };
log                     { source("tcp"); destination("d_facility"); };

# Log all internal() stuff to seperate log
destination d_int       { file("/var/log/syslog-ng/internal.log" perm(0600)); };
log                     { source("src_int"); destination("d_int"); };

# log everything remote/local to a console tty
#destination d_tty       { file("/dev/tty11"); };
#log                     { source("src"); source("src_int"); destination("d_tty"); };

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