[syslog-ng]missing messages

Andrew Culver syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 16:43:15 -0400

I have syslog-ng running on a central logging host. Messages received 
are stored first in a per-host log and then in a per-facility log. The 
messages that go into the per-facility logs depend on filters that I 
define, but EVERYTHING from a host should appear in its per-host logs.

I'm finding that many messages from some hosts are appearing in the 
per-service log but not in the per-host logs. Has anyone else 
experienced anything like this? Any solutions? TIA

Here is my conf file:

[aculver@slogr etc]$ cat syslog-ng.conf
#$Author: rich $
#$Date: 2005/02/04 14:50:38 $
#$Id: syslog-ng.conf,v 1.8 2005/02/04 14:50:38 rich Exp $
#$Source: /uwo/src/etc/RCS/syslog-ng.conf,v $
#$Locker:  $
# Syslog-ng configuration file.
# revised muchly by Andrew Culver <aculver at uwo dot ca>

# First, set some global options.

options {

# Define some sources to gather logging messages from

source s_main {

# After that set destinations.

# the standard destination is to have a set of logs per host
# ie: /syslogs/hosts/kam.its.uwo.ca/foolog/foolog
destination d_default           { 
file("/syslogs/hosts/$FULLHOST/$FACILITY/$FACILITY"); };

# collection of aggregate group logs
destination d_console           { 
file("/syslogs/services/console/console"); };
destination d_critical          { 
file("/syslogs/services/critical/critical"); };
destination d_daemon            { 
file("/syslogs/services/daemon/daemon"); };
destination d_login             { file("/syslogs/services/login/login"); };
destination d_lpr               { file("/syslogs/services/lpr/lpr"); };
destination d_mail              { file("/syslogs/services/mail/mail"); };
destination d_misc              { file("/syslogs/services/misc/misc"); };
destination d_routers           { 
file("/syslogs/services/routers/routers"); };
destination d_named             { file("/syslogs/services/named/named"); };
destination d_dhcp              { file("/syslogs/services/dhcp/dhcp"); };
destination d_eventlog          { 
file("/syslogs/services/eventlog/eventlog"); };
destination d_radius            { 
file("/syslogs/services/radius/radius"); };
destination d_firewall          { 
file("/syslogs/services/firewall/firewall"); };
destination d_loadbalancer      { 
file("/syslogs/services/loadbalancer/loadbalancer"); };
destination d_netscreen         { 
file("/syslogs/services/netscreen/netscreen"); };
destination d_ups               { file("/syslogs/services/ups/ups"); };
destination d_bluesocket        { 
file("/syslogs/services/bluesocket/bluesocket"); };
destination d_wireless          { 
file("/syslogs/services/wireless/wireless"); };
destination d_dial              { file("/syslogs/services/dial/dial"); };

# Here's the filter options. With these rules, we can set which
# message go where.

# First we'll define some sets of hosts which will be used in other filters

# some routers/gateways
filter f_hosts_router   {       host("^nebula\.wireless\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^(gate(1|2)|hse-rt1)\.netmgmt\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^(sup|msfc1|msfc2)\.l1uc00-1\.netmgmt\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^(sup|msfc1|msfc2)\.l1nsc2-2\.netmgmt\.uwo\.pri$"); };

# some firewalls
filter f_hosts_firewall {       host("^(FW|fw).*\.uwo\.(ca|pri)$") or
                                 host("^sgw\.ramp\.its\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^l1nsc2-2fwsm(1|2)\.netmgmt\.uwo\.pri$"); };

# some loadbalancers (.*.lb.its.uwo.ca)
filter f_hosts_loadbalancer {   host("^.*\.lb\.its\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some dns servers
filter f_hosts_named    {       host("^(romeo|hurdle)\.its\.uwo\.ca$") or
                                 host("^ns(1|2|3)\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some dhcp servers
filter f_hosts_dhcp     {       host("^(romeo|juliet)\.its\.uwo\.ca$") or
                                 host("^nebula\.wireless\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some windows servers
filter f_hosts_windows  { 
host("^(feb|koigu|manos)\.its\.uwo\.pri$") or
host("^(testad1|testad3|smstest|member2|gecko\.frog)\.test\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^ntws(12|13)\.wisg\.its\.uwo\.pri$") or
host("^(shop|mill|drill)\.ums\.uwo\.ca$") or
                                 host("^spider\.tel\.its\.uwo\.ca$") or
host("^(SCCS50|dlink|docock)\.tel\.its\.uwo\.pri$"); };

# some radius servers
# obsolete? see f_hosts_dial
#filter f_hosts_radius  { 
host("^uwonet-pm(1|2|3|4|5)\.netmgmt\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some bluesocket servers
filter f_hosts_bluesocket { 
host("^blusck(1|2|3|4)-pro\.wireless\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some netscreen servers
filter f_hosts_netscreen {      host("^somenetscreenhost\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# some wireless devices
filter f_hosts_wireless {       host("^[Ww].*\..*\.wireless\.uwo\.pri$"); };

# some dialpool devices
filter f_hosts_dial     { 
host("^uwonet-pm(1|2|3|4|5)\.netmgmt\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# Now setup some filters based on facility, level and hosts

# routers is actually local 0 on the routers/gateways hosts
filter f_routers        {       facility(local0) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_router); };

# console is a big one
filter f_console1       {       facility(daemon,auth) and
                                 level(notice .. emerg); };

# we'll exclude any kern.info from nebula/nexus
filter f_console_kern1  {       facility(kern) and
                                 level(info,warning) and
host("^(nebula|nexus)\.wireless\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# kern and syslog except for kern.info from nebula/nexus
filter f_console_kern   {       facility(syslog, kern) and not
                                 filter(f_console_kern1); };

# join the above two and also grab any err to emerg or any messages that 
would go to the routers log
filter f_console2       {       filter(f_console1) or
                                 level(err .. emerg) or
                                 filter(f_console_kern) or
                                 filter(f_routers); };

# now exclude anything from local 0, 3 and 7.
filter f_console        {       filter(f_console2) and
                                 not facility(local0,local3,local7); };

# critical is anything of priority critical and above
filter f_critical       {       level(crit .. emerg); };

# daemon is actually daemon+syslog+cron
filter f_daemon         {       facility(daemon, syslog, cron); };

# login is actually auth and authpriv
filter f_login          {       facility(auth, authpriv); };

# lpr is just itself
filter f_lpr            {       facility(lpr); };

# mail is actually user
filter f_mail           {       facility(mail); };

# misc is actually user
filter f_misc           {       facility(user); };

# named is lactually local1 on named hosts
filter f_named          {       facility(local1) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_named); };

# dhcp is actually local2 on dhcp hosts
filter f_dhcp           {       facility(local2) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_dhcp); };

# eventlog is actually local3 on windows hosts
filter f_eventlog       {       facility(local3) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_windows); };

# radius is actually local6 on radius hosts
#filter f_radius                {       facility(local6) and
#                               filter(f_hosts_radius); };

# firewall is actually local7 on firewall hosts
filter f_firewall       {       facility(local7) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_firewall); };

# loadbalancer is actually local6 on loadbalancer hosts
filter f_loadbalancer   {       facility(local6) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_loadbalancer); };

# netscreen is actually local7 on netscreen hosts
filter f_netscreen      {       facility(local7) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_netscreen); };

# ups is actually local0 on tazmo
filter f_ups            {       facility(local0) and
                                 host("^tazmo\.its\.uwo\.ca$"); };

# bluesocket is actually local0 on bluesocket hosts
filter f_bluesocket     {       facility(local0) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_bluesocket); };

# wireless is actually local0 on wireless hosts
filter f_wireless       {       facility(local0,local1) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_wireless); };

# dial is actually local6 on dial hosts
filter f_dial           {       facility(local6) and
                                 filter(f_hosts_dial); };

# log statements actually send logs somewhere, to a file, across the 
network, etc

# First, log everything to host-specific logs before considering 
aggregate logs
log {   source(s_main); 
destination(d_default); };

# Next log the aggregate "services" logs such as mail, routers, console, etc

log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_console); 
destination(d_console); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_critical); 
destination(d_critical); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_daemon); 
destination(d_daemon); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_login); 
destination(d_login); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_lpr); 
destination(d_lpr); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_mail); 
destination(d_mail); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_misc); 
destination(d_misc); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_routers); 
destination(d_routers); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_named); 
destination(d_named); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_dhcp); 
destination(d_dhcp); };

log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_eventlog); 
destination(d_eventlog); };

#log {  source(s_main);         filter(f_radius); 
destination(d_radius); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_firewall); 
destination(d_firewall); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_loadbalancer); 
destination(d_loadbalancer); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_netscreen); 
destination(d_netscreen); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_ups); 
destination(d_ups); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_bluesocket); 
destination(d_bluesocket); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_wireless); 
destination(d_wireless); };
log {   source(s_main);         filter(f_dial); 
destination(d_dial); };
