[syslog-ng]parsing the message field

Joseph Deck syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 20:11:11 -0400


We have installed syslog-ng on our unix systems pointing them, some network 
devices, and some Windows systems events to a central syslog-ng 
server.  The central server is currently piping the information to a Mysql 
database.  Each incoming device writes to its own table in the database.  A 
modification to this we would like to accomplish is to key various pieces 
of information stored in the "message" field.

For example,  syslog messages sent from the mail servers will contain the 
sender, recipient, delivery status in the "message" field.  Our thought is 
to key these pieces of information for quick lookup.  Some of the systems 
(Cisco Pix) are sending up to 5G of information a day. Another reason to 
key the information.

Our current thought is to send the output of syslog-ng to a Perl script 
which will parse the message field based upon the source.  The Perl script 
would then write it to the database.

Is there a better approach?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Joseph G. Deck
Director of Computing Services
Wittenberg University
Phone: (937) 525-3800
Fax:     (937) 327-7372