[syslog-ng]Problems in Solaris 2.7 with truncated message

Balazs Scheidler syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:54:47 +0200

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 22:49, Hernan Cortez wrote:
> Hi Angelita,
> Yes, indeed the "\n" is a test to break the sentence. If you see the second
> template the $MSG between "-" appears truncated also.
> Any ideas?
> I don't think is a configuratiion problem.
> The binaries are from www.sunfreeware.com, may be i need to compile
> instead...

hmm... it works for me, I used this configuration file:

source src { udp(port(2000)); internal(); };

filter f_exp { priority(emerg..debugqq); };

destination d_spoof { file("logfile" template("--$MSG--")); };

log { source(src); destination(d_spoof); };

And it produced this output file:


There was no \n at the end of the line, as there was none included in
the template.
