[syslog-ng]syslog-ng loses messages

Aaron watkins syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 12:22:45 +0100


> Dave Johnson syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
> Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:47:14 -0500 
> We have a couple solaris boxes that do logging with pipes and we log a 
> large amount of data, thats why I'm interested in these tests.  I can 
> see if I can setup a quick testbed next week. 
> ********** 
> Otherwise, I'm wondering if the packets are throttled, what happens..  IE: 
> --------------------------- 
> cat > /tmp/smallsleep.c <<ENDHERE 
> #include <unistd.h> 
> main () { 
> usleep(50000);  /* 20 hz */ 
> } 
> gcc -o /tmp/smallsleep /tmp/smallsleep.c 
> ----------------------------- 
> in the do -> done segment of your for loop add `/tmp/smallsleep` 
> How does this impact lost messages? 

In the situation where the receiving server is killed while the
sending server has stopped sending messages (ie. during the sleep 1
command), there is no affect (ie. Message 0 and 1 are still lost).

In the situation where the receiving server is killed while the
sending server is still sending messages, the throttling you suggested
reduces the number of messages that are lost to 2 (similar to the
first test).

Test 1: Message 12 and 13 lost
Test 2: Message 25 and 26 lost

It's an improvement, but unfortunately, its still not quite reliable
enough and when used in practice, I'm unsure if our events (which will
be asynchronous by their very nature) could possibly be throttled...

Do you have any more ideas???

Aaron Watkins