[syslog-ng]Get priority and facility with an syslog-ng 1.4.17

delman syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
4 Mar 2004 16:17:41 -0000

Hi all,

I've got a central logserver running on a SuSe i386 which is running an old version of syslog-ng that I'm unwilling to upgrade unless I'm forced to:

# syslog-ng --version
syslog-ng 1.4.17

Now, I'd like to force some log entry into a db, including facility/priority pair. I'm forcing logs into a named pipe, and I use a custom perl script to  make some clustering and insert the results in the db.

The problem is that syslog-ng doesn't write the tags <xxx> in front of the lines and so I miss facility/priority part of information. Moreover, using an old version, I have not the template facility to play with.

Is there a way to go around that?

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