
Ben Russo syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Wed, 30 Jun 2004 13:06:20 -0400

Many of us are familiar with "logger" that sends syslog messages...
I use it all the time when writing scripts.
What about a "logger-ng" that has more features?
Such as being able to send syslog messages via TCP/UDP to specified port 
numbers instead of just to the localhost.

For example:

logger-ng -d [-t|-u] -p local3.warn This is a message I 
want to send to the syslog daemon listening on port 5514 at the IP 

In addition to specifying UDP/TCP and a destination IP address, some 
other features I can think of are:

	tailing a log file
	listening on a named pipe
	taking standard input to send logs
