[syslog-ng]STATS: dropped 644 ?

Matthias Keller syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Sun, 26 Dec 2004 00:09:02 +0100


I'm using syslog-ng for quite a while now and finally want to resolve 
this problem (I suppose)...
I pretty much daily get a whole bunch of dropped messages...
It's not always at the same times but always for several hours!
I'm logging the stats hourly so usually for about 8h a day I get drops 
in the hundreds....?

I guess this isn't normal and shouldn't be as my system isn't really 
busy at all...

As options I'm using:
options {
        sync(5);        # How many lines have to be queued until a disc 
synch is done. use 0 for immediate

Since there are a lot of apps running on the system I dont go for a 
'Application X gets  localZ' approach but instead I'm filtering by 
application name

One example entry would be:

filter f_dhcpd      { program("dhcpd"); };
destination dhcpd { file("/var/log/dhcpd.log"); };
log { source(src); filter(f_dhcpd); destination(dhcpd); flags(final); };

I dont know if that  flags(final) does some harm as I haven't seen that 
much in the wild but I dont want any further rule care about dhcpd-logs 
so I want to stop matched entries there...
I have about 10 such entries...

I also have a catchall in the end:
destination other { file("/var/log/other"); };
log { source(src); destination(other); };
which doesn't really catch anything at all because the messages before 
already catches pretty much everything

I can give you the whole config if you like
So I'm hoping you could give me some good advices on how to track down 
my problem?

