[syslog-ng]Using a perl script with the pipe destination driver

Loic Minier syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 10:00:07 +0200

Jim Mozley <jim.mozley@exponential-e.com> - Tue, Apr 27, 2004:

>    my @lines = <PIPE>;
>    for ( @lines ) {
>       # do some stuff
>    }

 This causes reading until the End Of File of PIPE, then you process all

 Instead, I suggest you try:

     while ( <PIPE> ) {
        # do some stuff

 [ Syslog-NG opens a pipe to your program when it is started and closes
 it when it's stopped.  It doesn't open a new pipe for each log line. ]

> cat syslog > pipe

 When cat finishes, it causes an EOF in the pipe (no program has the
 "pipe" file open for writing, so no more messages will come in), and
 your program starts processing.  You should notice with a large syslog
 and a slow perl program that your processing starts when the cat

Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>