[syslog-ng]Config file parsing inconsistencies

John Kristoff syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:22:40 -0500

I seem to have discovered some discrepancies in the parsing of config
file statements.  I'm using syslog-ng 1.6.2.  For example, the following:

  destination test   { udp("" port(514) localport(0)); };

results in a segfault upon startup, whereas the following:

  destination test   { udp("" port(514) localport("0")); };

works fine.  I haven't gone searching through the code yet, but it seems
that parsing of options is inconsisent (note 514 is not in quotes).  A
brief grep of some source files seems to suggest that there might be a
inconsistencies on when to parse the option as a number versus a string.
