[syslog-ng]Rotate my logs files

Jens Grigel syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
02 Jun 2003 11:58:20 +0200

Am Don, 2003-05-29 um 13.38 schrieb Moktar KONE:
> Hi ,
> I am testing syslog-ng and I want to know how can I rotate my logs file .
> To logs messages I have a directory for many hosts, for each host, logs are
> classified by facilities, I  have a new log file each day for each facility.
> so the name of my logs files changes according to the date.
> how can rotate the old log files? the logs of 2days ago? 3days ago?
> thanks
> this is the section that logs my files :
>   destination hosts {
>     create_dirs(yes));
> };

you probably want to compress the logs:

I'm calling a very short shell script through cron, 
should be like this for your setup:

# compress old syslog-ng logs
# date from day before yesterday
date2comp=`date -d "2 days ago" +%Y_%m_%d
# use find to compress the logs
find /var/log/HOSTS -name "*_$date2comp" -exec bzip2 {} \;
