[syslog-ng]syslog-ng 1.9.1 released

Balazs Scheidler bazsi@balabit.hu
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 13:05:43 +0100


I have released syslog-ng 1.9.1 which is the first member of the 1.9.x
branch. In this branch syslog-ng is reimplemented from scratch.
Documentation is even more scarce than for syslog-ng 1.5.x so it is
recommended to experienced users only. The program itself is in ALPHA state
which means that it runs seems to work but almost certainly leaks memory.

You can fetch this version by pointing your browser to 


Backward compatibility was kept where possible, but some minor
incompatibilies might be possible. 

Here is the NEWS entry for the never-released 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 which contains
a summary of the new features present in this release.

Feedback is appreciated.

News for the 1.9.1 release
	Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:13:44 +0100

	This release is still not intended for production use. It has a good
	number of new features and a couple of them may not be stable

	New features:
	* template declarations, the possibility to define a template once
	  and refer to it
	* flow controlled log paths work, and they are also configurable
	* supports RFC3339 timestamps with second fractions and time zones,
	  time zone conversion & source time zone specification
	* MARK messages are generated
	* keep alive for connections as well as listeners
	* the ability to follow log files as they are written to
	* the possibility to mark parts of a message using standard '(' and
	  ')' regexp operators and refer to matches within templates (either
	  filenames or content)

	This program is still ALPHA.

News for the 1.9.0 release
	Thu,  9 May 2002 20:01:11 +0200

	This release is the first release of the new reimplementation of
	syslog-ng. I moved to using glib instead of libol, as glib is more
	mature and provides several nice & easy to use features.
	Here's a bunch of nice things about 1.9.0:
	* supports flow controlled log paths (still not possible to
	  configure it, but the code exists in the core)
	* better support for macros (macro support is moved out of affile,
	  thus any other drivers may use it)
	* more robust detection of closed destination sockets (a closed
	  channel is immediately detected, not at the first write) This
	  avoids losing a log message when the connection is broken.
	* supports respawning destination programs (should be used with care
	  to avoid DoS situations). This makes it easier to integrate third party
	  extensions to syslog-ng. (SQL backends, on-line log analysis etc)
	* performance improvements, instead of using linear lookup in linked
	  lists, I use hashtables everywhere.
	* the ability to define unparsed sources, makes it easier to
	  integrate things like Apache logs
	* many internal reorganizations to make it easier to implement things like 
	  hashed log files, SSL protected TCP sessions and so on.
	Things still missing:
	* there are some new features with no configuration interface
	* internal messages always go to /dev/stderr
	* Sun's STREAMS is not yet supported
	1.9.0 is currently in an ALPHA state, it's been tested only on my
	development computer, and not real-life traffic.

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