_/CaT\_ cat_roger22@hotmail.com
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 16:30:52 +0200

Hi *,
It is the code of a system which inserts  syslog events into a Mysql DB
whith best performances in a more secure and stable way.
All the scripts are written in Perl, PAM(DBI,Sys::Syslog) and PERL  are

1) Inserdb.pl v.1.1		it's the daemon that verify and inserts
the data.
2) Allow_ip_table_db.pl v.1.1	This wizard inserts Authorized Ips that
are allowed to write on DB (It's important for ddos problems)
3) Load_ip_allows.txt		the conf file that inserts authorized
4) Make_facility_level.sql	creates tables facility and level
5) syslog_db_insert		starts the service under RH 7.3
6) syslog-ng option


#			   inserdb.pl
#				v.1.1
# Script to implement INSERT INTO DB MYSQL
# description: Utility for insert syslog events
# by _/CaT\_:
# Script Author:
#	GDM & _/CaT\_	cat_roger22@hotmail.com
use DBI;
#use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

sub log_syslog($$);
sub warn_log_exit($$);
sub error_log_exit($$);

&log_syslog('info'," Start $0 - Syslog-ng ");


my $DB_SB='mysql';

### Debug mode = 1

my $DEBUG = 0; 

my $test_dsn      = $ENV{'DBI_DSN'}   ||  die "DSN not set\n";
my $test_user     = $ENV{'DBI_USER'}  ||  die "User not set\n";
my $test_password = $ENV{'DBI_PASS'}  ||  die "Password not set\n";
my $table	  = $ENV{'DBI_TABLE_SYSLOG'} || die "Table not set\n";
my $pipe	  = $ENV{'DBI_PIPE_SYSLOG'} || die "Pipe file not
my $errmsg	  = $ENV{'ERR_MSG'} || die "File ERR_MSG not set\n";

my $DATA_SOURCE='dbi:mysql:'.$test_dsn.';mysql_compression=1';
my $dbh;
my $sth;
my $riga;

###       normal-signals
###           These are the signals which a program might normally
expect to encounter and which by default cause it to
###         terminate.  They are HUP, INT, PIPE and TERM.
###       error-signals
###           These signals usually indicate a serious problem with the
Perl interpreter or with your script.  They are
###           ABRT, BUS, EMT, FPE, ILL, QUIT, SEGV, SYS and TRAP.
###       old-interface-signals
###           These are the signals which were trapped by default by the
old sigtrap interface, they are ABRT, BUS, EMT,
###           FPE, ILL, PIPE, QUIT, SEGV, SYS, TERM, and TRAP.  If no
signals or signals lists are passed to sigtrap,
###           this list is used.

local $SIG{HUP} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGHUP',"Eseguito un kill -1")
}; local $SIG{INT} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGINT',"Eseguito un kill
-2") }; local $SIG{QUIT} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGQUIT',"Eseguito un
kill -3") }; local $SIG{TRAP} = sub {
&error_log_exit('SIGTRAP',"Eseguito un kill -5") }; local $SIG{KILL} =
sub { &error_log_exit('SIGKILL',"Eseguito un kill -9") }; local
$SIG{ABRT} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGABRT',"Eseguito un kill -6") };
local $SIG{BUS} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGBUS',"Eseguito un kill -7")
}; local $SIG{FPE} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGFPE',"Eseguito un kill
-8") }; local $SIG{SEGV} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGSEGV',"Eseguito un
kill -11") }; local $SIG{PIPE} = sub {
&error_log_exit('SIGPIPE',"Eseguito un kill -13") }; local $SIG{ALRM} =
sub { &error_log_exit('SIGALRM',"Eseguito un kill -14") }; local
$SIG{TERM} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGTERM',"Eseguito un kill -15") };
local $SIG{CHLD} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGCHLD',"Eseguito un kill
-17") }; local $SIG{STOP} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGSTOP',"Eseguito un
kill -19") }; local $SIG{SYS} = sub { &error_log_exit('SIGSYS',"Eseguito
un kill -31") };

$dbh = DBI->connect(
		RaiseError => 1,
		PrintError => 2,
		AutoCommit =>1
	) or &error_log_exit('DB CONNECT',"$DBI::errstr");

&log_syslog('info','Connect to DB...Start');

### Load table facility 
my $exe;
my $sth;
my $id;
my $query;
my $facility;
my %facility;
my $priority;
my $level;
my %level;

$query='SELECT * FROM facility';

$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) || &error_log_exit("$query",$dbh->errstr);
$exe=$sth->execute() || &error_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);
eval {
	while(($id,$facility) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
		print STDOUT "FACILITY: $id -> $facility\n" if $DEBUG ge
&error_log_exit('FETCH',$dbh->errstr) if $@;

### Load table level 
$query='SELECT * FROM level';
$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) || &error_log_exit("$query",$dbh->errstr);
$exe=$sth->execute() || &error_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);
eval {
	while(($priority,$level) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
		print STDOUT "LEVEL: ".$priority.' -> '.$level."\n" if
$DEBUG ge 1;
&error_log_exit('FETCH',$dbh->errstr) if $@;

### Load tables hosts 
if ( $DEBUG ge 1 ) {
	my @tables; my $val;
	@tables = map{ $_ =~ s/^.*\.//; $_ } $dbh->tables();
	foreach $val (@tables) { print STDOUT "TABLE: $val\n"; } 

### Core Function 

open(FF,"$pipe") || &error_log_exit('PIPE_ERROR_1',"Error on read pipe
$pipe; $!");
while($riga=<FF>) {

	my $date;
	my $host;
	my $facility;
	my $level;
	my $tag;
	my $program;
	my @msg=();
	my $val;
	my $time;

	### Syntax

	print STDOUT "BEFORE:$riga\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;
	if ( $riga =~ /^\|\<\|(.+)\|\>\|$/) {
		if ( $riga =~ /\|\>\|\|\<\|/ ) {
			### Decomenntando no recupera piu le possibili
			$riga=~ s/^(.+)\|\>\|\|\<\|.+$/$1/;
	else {


	### forza la variabile program al primo campo del message
togliendo il pid
	if ( $program !~ /\w/ ) { $program=$msg[0];
$program=~s/(.+)\[.+/$1/; }

	### Create string (Pattern  Substitution) - Conversione facility
e level in numero
	foreach $val (keys %facility) {
		if ( $facility eq $facility{$val} ) {
	foreach $val (keys %level) {
		if ( $level eq $level{$val} ) {

	print STDOUT "NEXT:$date $time $host $facility $level $tag
$program @msg\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

	###   |
	###   if exists   -> INSERT INTO ...
	###	else 	->	Scrive su file

	my $sth="";
	my $exe="";
	my $query="";
	### Conversione IP in INDICE TABELLA
	my $index=$host;

	$index=~s/\./_/g;	# converte ip in id

	$query="SELECT id FROM main_allow_syslog WHERE id = \'$index\'
AND state = 1";

	$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) || &warn_log_exit('PREPARE',"$query
	$exe=$sth->execute() || &warn_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);
	my $numrows=$sth->rows;
	print STDOUT "stato= $exe - righe=$numrows\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;
	if ($numrows eq 1) {
		###	Inserisce nel DB
		###     | Field    | Type         | Null | Key | Default
| Extra |
		###     | date     | datetime     |      |     |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
		###     | facility | int(2)       |      |     | 0
|       |
		###     | level    | int(2)       |      |     | 0
|       |
		###     | tag      | varchar(4)   |      |     |
|       |
		###     | program  | varchar(64)  |      |     |
|       |
		###     | msg      | varchar(255) |      |     |
|       |

		$query="INSERT INTO
$index(date,facility,level,tag,program,msg) VALUES (\'$date
		$dbh->do($query) ||
		print STDOUT "INSERT SUCCESS on $index: $query\n" if
$DEBUG ge 1;

	else { &warn_log_exit('INSERT_FAILED_2',"QUERY=\"$query\":
RIGA=\"$riga\""); } 

$dbh->disconnect() or &error_log_exit('DB_CLOSE',"$DBI::errstr");

log_syslog('info','Session to DB closed...');

### SUB

sub log_syslog($$) {
	my ($tipo,$mess)=@_;
	openlog($0, 'cons,pid', 'user');

sub warn_log_exit($$) {
	local ($in,$err)=@_;
	local $tme;
        $time=strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",localtime);
	print STDOUT "$time WARN:$in:$err\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

        open(ERRMSG,">>$errmsg") || die "Error on WRITE on $errmsg:
        print ERRMSG "$time WARN:$in:$err \n";

sub error_log_exit($$) {
	local ($in,$err)=@_;
	local $tme;
        $time=strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",localtime);

	print STDOUT "$time ERROR:$in:$err\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

        open(ERRMSG,">>$errmsg") || die "Error on WRITE on $errmsg:
        print ERRMSG "$time ERROR:$in:$err \n";
        exit 1;


#			allow_ip_table_db.pl
#				 v.1.1
# Script to implement ALLOW TO INSERT INTO DB MYSQL
# description: Wizard for allow IP to write into DB
# by _/CaT\_:
# Script Author:
#	GDM & _/CaT\_	cat_roger22@hotmail.com
use DBI;
#use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

sub log_syslog($$);
sub warn_log_exit($$);
sub error_log_exit($$);

&log_syslog('info',"|--------- Start $0 ---------|");

$ENV{'DBI_TABLE_SYSLOG'}='xxx'; $ENV{'ERR_MSG'}='/path/err_DB_msg.log';

my $DB_SB='mysql';

### Debug mode = 1

my $DEBUG = 1; 

my $test_dsn      = $ENV{'DBI_DSN'}   ||  die "DSN not set\n";
my $test_user     = $ENV{'DBI_USER'}  ||  die "User not set\n";
my $test_password = $ENV{'DBI_PASS'}  ||  die "Password not set\n";
my $table	  = $ENV{'DBI_TABLE_SYSLOG'} || die "Table not set\n";
my $errmsg	  = $ENV{'ERR_MSG'} || die "File ERR_MSG not set\n";

### File load IP allowed to write into DB
my $file_in='/path/xxxxxxxx.txt';

my $DATA_SOURCE='dbi:mysql:'.$test_dsn.';mysql_compression=1';
my $dbh;
my $sth;
my $riga;

my $BaseTable='main_allow_syslog';
$dbh = DBI->connect($DATA_SOURCE, $test_user, $test_password,
{RaiseError => 1,PrintError => 2,AutoCommit =>1}) or die "Can\'t
connect: $DBI::errstr\n";

&log_syslog('info','Connect to DB...Done');

### Make base table 
###	| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default             |
Extra |
###	| id      | varchar(15)  |      | PRI |                     |
###	| ip      | varchar(15)  |      |     |                     |
###	| name    | varchar(48)  |      |     |                     |
###	| state   | int(1)       |      |     | 0                   |
###	| c_time  | datetime     |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
###	| comment | varchar(126) | YES  |     | NULL                |

my @tables;
my $found=0;
my $query;

@tables = map{ $_ =~ s/^.*\.//; $_ } $dbh->tables();

while($table=<@tables> and $found == 0 ) { if ($table eq $BaseTable) {
$found=1; } }

 if ( $found ne 1 ) {
	$query="CREATE TABLE $BaseTable(
		id		varchar(15) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
		ip 		varchar(15) NOT NULL,
		name				varchar(48) NOT NULL,
		state				int(1) NOT NULL,
		c_time				DATETIME NOT NULL,
		m_time				DATETIME NOT NULL,
		comment				varchar(126)
&warn_log_exit("CREATION TABLE","$query");

### Load tables
my $exe;
my $sth;
my $id;
my $priority;
my $riga;
my $ip;
my $state;
my $name;
my @comment=();
my $todo;

open(FF,"<$file_in") || &error_log_exit("FILE READ","$!");
while($riga=<FF>) {

	next if ( $riga =~ /^#|^$/ ) ;
	&error_log_exit('SYNTAX ERROR READ_1',"IP errato") if ( $ip !~
/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ ) ;
	&error_log_exit('SYNTAX ERROR READ_2',"state errato") if (
$state !~ /0|1/ ) ;
	&error_log_exit('SYNTAX ERROR READ_2',"Name errato") if  ($name
!~ /\w/) ;

	### NOTE!!!
	### The coma -.- in the IP  is traslate in Underscore - _ -

	$iptraslate=~ s/\./_/g;

	### make query for update $BaseTable
	$ctime=strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",localtime);
	print STDOUT "IpTraslate -> $iptraslate date -> $ctime todo ->
$todo\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

	if ( $todo eq 'ADD' ) {
&ADD(*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip,*name,*state,*ctime,*comment); }
	elsif ( $todo eq 'DISABLE' ) {
&DISABLE(*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip,*ctime); }
	elsif ( $todo eq 'ENABLE' ) {
&ENABLE(*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip,*ctime); }
	elsif ( $todo eq 'REMOVE' ) {
&REMOVE(*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip) }



$dbh->disconnect() or die "ERROR on close: $DBI::errstr\n";
log_syslog('info','Session to DB closed...');

### SUB

sub log_syslog($$) {
	my ($tipo,$mess)=@_;
	openlog($0, 'cons,pid', 'user');

sub warn_log_exit($$) {
	my ($in,$err)=@_;
	print STDOUT "WARN:$in:$err\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

        open(ERRMSG,">>$errmsg") || die "Error on WRITE on $errmsg:
        print ERRMSG "WARN:$in:$err \n";

sub error_log_exit($$) {
	my ($in,$err)=@_;
	print STDOUT "ERROR:$in:$err\n" if $DEBUG ge 1;

        open(ERRMSG,">>$errmsg") || die "Error on WRITE on $errmsg:
        print ERRMSG "ERROR:$in:$err \n";
        exit 1;

sub ADD($$$$$$) {

	$query="INSERT INTO $BaseTable
(id,ip,name,state,c_time,m_time,comment) VALUES

	print STDOUT "Query=$query\n";

	$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) ||
	$exe=$sth->execute() || &error_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);

	### Make new Table for IP
	###	| Field    | Type         | Null | Key | Default
| Extra |
	###	| date     | datetime     |      |     | 0000-00-00
00:00:00 |       |
	###	| facility | int(2)       |      |     | 0
|       |
	###	| level    | int(2)       |      |     | 0
|       |
	###	| tag      | varchar(4)   |      |     |
|       |
	###	| program  | varchar(64)  |      |     |
|       |
	###	| msg      | varchar(255) |      |     |
|       |
        $query="CREATE TABLE $iptraslate(
                date		DATETIME NOT NULL,
                facility	int(2) NOT NULL,
                level		int(2) NOT NULL,
                tag		varchar(4) NOT NULL,
                program		varchar(64) NOT NULL,
		msg		varchar(255) NOT NULL
	&warn_log_exit("CREATION TABLE $ip","$query");

sub DISABLE($$$$) {
	local (*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip,*ctime)=@_;
	$query="UPDATE $BaseTable SET state = \'0\' , m_time =
\'$ctime\' WHERE id = \'$iptraslate\' AND ip = \'$ip\'";
	print STDOUT "Query=$query\n";

	$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) ||
	$exe=$sth->execute() || &error_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);

sub ENABLE($$$$) {
	local (*BaseTable,*iptraslate,*ip,*ctime)=@_;
	$query="UPDATE $BaseTable SET state = \'1\' , m_time =
\'$ctime\' WHERE id = \'$iptraslate\' AND ip = \'$ip\'";
	print STDOUT "Query=$query\n";

	$sth=$dbh->prepare($query) ||
	$exe=$sth->execute() || &error_log_exit('EXEC',$dbh->errstr);


#### File for wizard the IP allowed to write into DB 
####	ADD 		-> Aggiunge tabelle
####	DISABLE	->	Disabilita la scrittura sulla tabella
####	ENABLE	->	riabilita la tabella
####	IMPORTANT - after the insert clean the entry or comment
####	Exaple:
####		|   Func	|       IP		| Hostname
|  State	|  Comment	|	
####		|ADD		|	|pippo	|1
|honeypot	|

ADD	pippo		1	honeypot	
#ADD	pippone	1	WS di GDM



# SQL script for load the tables: facility and level 
drop table facility;
drop table level;

create table facility
   	id		 int(2),
    	facility   varchar(16)

create table level
   	priority		int(2),
    	level   		varchar(16)

insert into facility(id,facility) values ('0','kern');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('1','user');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('2','mail');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('3','daemon');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('4','auth');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('5','syslog');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('6','lpr');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('7','news');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('8','uucp');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('9','cron');
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('10','local0'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('11','local1'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('12','local2'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('13','local3'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('14','local4'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('15','local5'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('16','local6'); 
insert into facility(id,facility) values ('17','local7');

insert into level(priority,level) values ('0','emerg');
insert into level(priority,level) values ('1','alert');
insert into level(priority,level) values ('2','crit');
insert into level(priority,level) values ('3','err');
insert into level(priority,level) values ('4','warning'); 
insert into level(priority,level) values ('5','notice'); 
insert into level(priority,level) values ('6','info'); 
insert into level(priority,level) values ('7','debug'); 
insert into level(priority,level) values ('8','none');



# Program: syslog_db_insert init script
# Description:
# chkconfig: 2345 12 88
# Description:

# configuration
INIT_DB_PROG="/path/insertdb.pl"    # Full path to daemon


INIT_DB=`basename "$INIT_DB_PROG"`

# Source Redhat function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

[ -x $INIT_DB_PROG ] || exit 0


umask 077
ulimit -c 0

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting $INIT_DB: "
        nohup $INIT_DB_PROG &
        [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch "/var/lock/subsys/${INIT_DB}"
        echo -n "Stopping $INIT_DB: "
        killproc $INIT_DB_PROG
        [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f "/var/lock/subsys/${INIT_DB}"
        status $INIT_DB_PROG
        $0 stop
        $0 start
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload}"
        exit 1

exit $RETVAL 


destination d_mysql {
