[syslog-ng]Year problems?

William Yodlowsky wyodlows@andromeda.rutgers.edu
Thu, 02 May 2002 21:15:00 -0400

I haven't seen this one before.

Running syslog-ng 1.5.13 on Solaris 8 64bit.  It only handles logs
locally for that one machine (config below).

The problem: when the logfiles rolled over to May, I ended up with two
logfiles for May 1:  a "maillog-05-01-2001" and "maillog-05-01-2002".

I know the file isn't simply leftover from last year, because this box
didn't exist last year.  :)

Oddly enough, it seems that the 2001 file was used for May 1 up until
3:59am, and at 4:00am the 2002 file picks up where it left off.  The
machine has no crontabs that run at 4am (or 3am for that matter).  No
one logged in and did anything.  Any ideas at all?

Thanks in advance...


options { long_hostnames(off); keep_hostname(yes); use_dns(no); };

source src { sun-streams("/dev/log" door("/etc/.syslog_door")); internal(); };

destination mail   { file("/var/log/maillog-$MONTH-$DAY-$YEAR" create_dirs(yes)); };
destination others { file("/var/log/messages-$YEAR-$MONTH" create_dirs(yes)); };

filter mail   { program("postfix") or program("amavis") or program("amavisd"); };
filter others { not program("postfix"); };

log { source(src); filter(mail);   destination(mail);  };
log { source(src); filter(others); destination(others);};