[syslog-ng]include file feature?

Gert Menke gert@menke.za.net
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:28:13 +0100


> >It's nice to be flexible, but I think the init.d paradigm, which
> >relies on tricks of alphabetical filename sorting to enforce order
> >at the expense of readability and managability, should be retired,
> >not expanded.

> If you're talking about managability the method I presented is favourable 
> above changing a file just to add an #include statement.  I prefer not to 
> have tools changing configuration files during package install/removal, 
> unless there's a wrapper available that does that on behave of the package 
> (like using `adduser` instead of accessing /etc/passwd directly).
Agreed, too.

I personnally don't like the Idea of having my configuration files written
for me by a script that I have to invoke everytime I change something.
(And regenerating the configuration automatically whenever I (re)start a
service is not what I call very efficient...)

So, what about something like "include /etc/syslog-ng.d/*.conf" ?
