[syslog-ng]wrong number of arguments calling init_file in libol

William D. Colburn (aka Schlake) wcolburn@nmt.edu
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 12:31:35 -0600

In libol init_file() takes an additional "struct ol_string *fname" that
isn't in the syslog-ng afstreams.c call.

wcolburn@rainbow<~/compile/sun4>$ grep -C -n init_file syslog-ng-1.4.12/src/afstreams.c libol-0.2.24/src/io.c 
syslog-ng-1.4.12/src/afstreams.c-165-   NEW(stream_fd, f);
syslog-ng-1.4.12/src/afstreams.c:167:   init_file(backend, &f->super, fd);
syslog-ng-1.4.12/src/afstreams.c-168-   f->super.prepare = prepare_stream_fd;
syslog-ng-1.4.12/src/afstreams.c-169-   f->super.read = stream_read_callback;
libol-0.2.24/src/io.c-630-/* Initializes a file structure, and adds it to the backend's list. */
libol-0.2.24/src/io.c:631:void init_file(struct io_backend *b, struct nonblocking_fd *f, int fd,
libol-0.2.24/src/io.c-632-      struct ol_string *fname)

William Colburn, "Sysprog" <wcolburn@nmt.edu>
Computer Center, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
http://www.nmt.edu/tcc/     http://www.nmt.edu/~wcolburn