[syslog-ng]Problem after HANGUP signal

Mark Borges mdb@jimi.nwest.attws.com
18 Oct 2001 11:33:50 -0700

>> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:01:19 +0200,
>> Balazs Scheidler(BS) wrote:
BS> On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 08:22:21PM +0200, Jerome Poggi wrote:
>> I use Syslog-NG 1.5.11 on Linux 2.4.10 and when I send HANGUP signal to
>> syslog-ng, I never seen the stats info more.
>> For having it more long time, I must kill and restart syslog-ng.
>> Is it a bug ?

BS> if you send a HUP signal, syslog-ng doesn't write STATS: messages? that must
BS> be a bug.

Is that bug related to this bug?

  $ ls -al /tmp/syslog.fifo 
  prw-r-----    1 foo      other  0 Oct 16 15:54 /tmp/syslog.fifo
  $ ps -ef | grep syslog-ng
  foo 23692   1  0 11:27:45 ?  0:00 /opt/local/sbin/syslog-ng --cfgfile=/opt/local/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf --p
  $ kill -HUP 23692
  $ ls -al /tmp/syslog.fifo
  p---------    1 foo      other  0 Oct 16 15:54 /tmp/syslog.fifo

i.e., sending HUP evidently chmod's the named pipe that syslog-ng uses
as a source to an un-usable permission.

This is with syslog-ng-1.5.11, libol-0.3.0, running under Solaris-2.6,
built with gcc-2.95.3.
