[syslog-ng]$DATE Macro Dir Creation
Brian E. Seppanen
Fri, 11 May 2001 11:16:13 -0400 (EDT)
Can I do the following for a file destination? If I can why won't it
work? The documentation leads me to believe it does. I've done something
similar using the $PRIORITY macro to break out some messages into
diferrent files. I want messages to log into a date specific directory.
destination messages { file("/var/log/$DATE/messages" create_dirs(yes) dir_perm(0640));};
The global config likewise specifies create_dirs(yes);
Any help greatly appreciated.
Brian Seppanen
Charter Communications seppy@chartermi.net
Advanced Services Engineer 906-228-4226 ext 23
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outward flourishes, I will be brief. - Polonius