[syslog-ng]Hello !

claude.brassel@partner-system.com claude.brassel@partner-system.com
Thu, 10 May 2001 09:36:58 +0200


I just try to use syslog-ng, but I have a little configuration problem.

If I use a simple configuration file like this :

source local { sun-streams("/dev/log" door("/etc/.syslog_door"));
internal(); };

destination all { file("/var/adm/messages"); };

log { source(local); destination(all); };
source net { udp(); };

destination test_dest { file("/var/adm/network.log"); };

log { source(net); destination(test_dest); };

That work great all my network nodes send the messages to

But if I use a more complex file like this :


# Definition pour la recup des infos system

source local { sun-streams("/dev/log" door("/etc/.syslog_door"));
internal(); };

destination all { file("/var/adm/messages"); };

log { source(local); destination(all); };


# Options
##options { sync(1); };


# Definition des equipements reseaux
source net { udp(); };

# Definition des destinations : 1 fichier par projet client

destination d_issy_heberg       { file("/var/log/issy_heberg"); };
destination d_interxion         { file("/var/log/interxion"); };
destination d_filinks           { file("/var/log/filinks"); };
destination d_bisax             { file("/var/log/bisax"); };
destination d_directmedica      { file("/var/log/directmedica"); };
destination d_novacy            { file("/var/log/novacy"); };
destination d_achatpro          { file("/var/log/achatpro"); };
destination d_easyvoyage        { file("/var/log/easyvoyage"); };
destination d_lapeyre           { file("/var/log/lapeyre"); };

# Definition des filtres

filter f_issy_heberg    { host("swi_heberg_issy") and
host("swi_heberg_colt") and host("swi_cisco_heberg"); };
filter f_interxion      { host("ic2912-2") and host("ic2924-1") and
host("ic2924-2") and host ("ia780"); };
filter f_filinks        { host("cisco") and
                          host("alteon-int1") and host("alteon-int2")
and host ("alteon-dmz1") and host ("alteon-dmz2") and
                          host("switch-dmz1") and host ("switch-dmz2")
                          host("alteon-local1") and host
("alteon-local2") and
                          host("switch-local1") and host
("switch-local2") and host ("switch-bkp"); };
filter f_bisax          { host("alteon-1") and host ("extreme-1") and
host ("alteon-3") and host ("ext_bisax1"); };
filter f_directmedica   { host("3com_directmedica"); };
filter f_novacy         { host("swi_novacy2"); };
filter f_achatpro       { host( "swi_achatpro1") and
                          host("alt_achatpro1") and host
("alt_achatpro2") and host ("alt_achatpro3") and
                          host("3com_achatpro1") and host
("3com_achatpro2") and host ("3com_achatpro3"); };
filter f_easyvoyage     { host("swi_easyvoyage"); };
filter f_lapeyre        { host("alt_lapeyre") and host ("hp_lapeyre");

# mise en place des logs
log { source(net); filter(f_issy_heberg);
destination(d_issy_heberg); };
log { source(net); filter(f_interxion);
destination(d_interxion); };
log { source(net); filter(f_filinks);           destination(d_filinks);
log { source(net); filter(f_bisax);             destination(d_bisax); };

log { source(net); filter(f_directmedica);
destination(d_directmedica); };
log { source(net); filter(f_novacy);            destination(d_novacy);
log { source(net); filter(f_achatpro);          destination(d_achatpro);
log { source(net); filter(f_easyvoyage);
destination(d_easyvoyage); };
log { source(net); filter(f_lapeyre);           destination(d_lapeyre);


# Definition des serveurs

destination d_serveurs  { file("/var/log/serveur_supervision"); };
destination d_postes_l2 { file("/var/log/postes_level2"); };

filter f_serveurs       { host("netcool") and host("oracle") and
host("remedy") and host("infovista"); };
filter f_postes_l2      { host("brassel") ; };

log { source(net); filter(f_serveurs); destination(d_serveurs); };
log { source(net); filter(f_postes_l2); destination(d_postes_l2); };


then nothing happens,
only the /var/adm/messages work for the local messages, but the no
network activity

I am trying it on a solaris 2.7(32) system

Have someon a great idea ?

Thank's for your help ....

Best Regards,
