[syslog-ng]compiling on Solaris 8

David Monk david@purplebear.net
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 16:40:31 -0500

I have tried several times to get syslog-ng to compile on Solaris 8 with GNU
tools. I have tried the most current release of the 1.4 branch and 1.2
branch, with no luck. Each one complains about a different function with too
few arguments. In the 1.4 release, it was src/afstreams.c line 167,
init_file function, I believe.
Has anyone successfully done this? Seeing that the site says it's in wide
use on Solaris, I am hoping so.
Please someone tell me what I am missing.I really need a syslog facility
with remote reception capabilities.

Thank you,
David Monk CCNA, MCSE