[syslog-ng]Full pipe as destination

Peter Draexler Peter.Draexler@mediaways.net
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 08:45:35 +0200

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We are using syslog-ng on our logserver with multifunctional
As a special type of destination we are using pipes as a special
interface to commercial applications.

Here is our question:
    What happens with the log events, if the pipe becomes
    temp. unavailable (e.g. the reading end is dead or
    the pipe is full)?

IMHO you have to open() the pipe nonblocking, to avoid your
syslog stucks in-active, in the case one destination is broken.
I think this is true. Correct?

What happens with your internal log buffers, if write() returns -1
and errno set to EAGAIN?
You implement an internal buffering/queue and try to write the
outstanding log events some times later or you simply discard
the buffers as long as one destination is unreachable?

Thanks very much.
Best Regards -- Andreas and Peter

A Hint for syslog-ng.1.5.8 on Solaris 8:
    $DATE in destination templates returns nothing.
    But $FULL|ISODATE works fine.

Dr. Peter Dräxler
mediaWays GmbH
Hülshorstweg 30
33415 Verl
Tel. +49-5246-80-1888
Fax  +49-5246-80-2888

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Subject: Syslog Problematik
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Kannst Du den Balash aus Budapest mal folgendes fragen?

We are using syslog-ng on our logserver with multifunctional
As a special type of destination we are using pipes as a special
interface to commercial applications.

Here is our question:
    What happens with the log events, if the pipe becomes
    temp. unavailable (e.g. the reading end is dead or
    the pipe is full)?

IMHO you have to open() the pipe nonblocking, to avoid your
syslog stucks in-active, in the case one destination is broken.
I think this is true. Correct?

What happens with your internal log buffers, if write() returns -1
and errno set to EAGAIN?
You implement an internal buffering/queue and try to write the
outstanding log events some times later or you simply discard
the buffers as long as one destination is unreachable?

Thanks very much.
Best Regards -- Andreas

A Hint for syslog-ng.1.5.8 on Solaris 8:
    $DATE in destination templates returns nothing.
    But $FULL|ISODATE works fine.

Danke -- ASL
