[syslog-ng]Linefeed in incoming messages

Michael.Garvin@carolinabroadband.com Michael.Garvin@carolinabroadband.com
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 12:04:04 -0400

In doing some further debugging to the hack I posted to work around the
logging problems with the Cisco VPN3000 I discovered some changes
that need to be made to not break TCP-based logging.  Here's the updated
code, with the existing prefix line for positioning:

        closure->pos += n;

        start = closure->buffer + 1;
        eol = closure->buffer + closure->pos - 1;
        while (start++ < eol)
                if ((start[-1] == 0x0a) && (start[0] != 0x3c))
                        start[-1] = ' ';

Sorry about that...

Michael Garvin