[syslog-ng]odd problem

jon@dumbo.pobox.com jon@dumbo.pobox.com
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:51:27 -0400

i noticed yesterday that syslog-ng won't log to anything in a destination() section if
one of them fails.

we have a remote logging machine colocated somewhere...here is its config(just the useful stuff)

destination macrogenerateddaily {
            tcp( port(514));
            file("/var/log/ng/$HOST/$YEAR$MONTH$DAY/$FACILITY.$PRIORITY" dir_per
m(0755) perm(0644));

destination macrogeneratedhourly {
            tcp( port(514));
            file("/var/log/ng/$HOST/$YEAR$MONTH$DAY/$FACILITY.$PRIORITY.$HOUR" d
ir_perm(0755) perm(0644));

now....we lost internet connectivity (so the tcp link failed)
unfortunately, it also stopped logging to the disk.
does it log to destinations, then just die as soon as one fails?