[syslog-ng]Solaris 7 TCP Destination Error syslog-ng 1.4.11

David C Niemi niemi@tuxers.net
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:34:25 -0400 (EDT)

I am trying to forward logs to another box from a Solaris 7 (SPARC)
machine.  The error I get is puzzling:

sinetva99{SUPERUSER:25}/tmp# syslog-ng -d -f syslog-remote.conf
io.c: Preparing fd 3 for reading
io.c: connecting using fd 4
Error creating AF_INET socket (Operation now in progress)
Error initializing configuration, exiting.

Solaris' man page for connect defines EINPROGRESS quite cryptically:

               The socket is non-blocking and the connection can-
               not  be  completed  immediately. It is possible to
               select(3C) for completion by selecting the  socket
               for writing. However, this is only possible if the
               socket STREAMS module is the topmost module on the
               protocol  stack  with  a  write service procedure.
               This will be the normal case.

So it sounds vaguely like the socket needs to be blocking, but I don't see
any option in syslog-ng for accomplishing this.

The relevant part of my .conf file:

	source src { file("/dev/log"); internal(); };
	destination remote { tcp( port(514) ); };
	log { source(src); destination(remote); };

I've managed to use virtually the same configuration to forward
successfully under TCP using a Linux source.  I also find that sending to
localhost works fine under Solaris, but I get the error whenever I try a
remote TCP destination from Solaris.  "truss" does not return anything
terribly interesting.

David C. Niemi  (Reston, Virginia, USA)  niemi@tuxers.net
Know the difference between the color of the wine and the
color of the glass.  (Jalaluddin Rumi)