[syslog-ng]syslog-ng vs (of all things) Win2k + IIS

matthew.copeland@honeywell.com matthew.copeland@honeywell.com
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 13:43:56 -0500 (CDT)

> The worst case is the following scenario:
> 1) the destination fd is the first to be polled, so there's nothing waiting
> to be written.
> 2) each source fd is after the destination fd, and each has some data
> available
> 3) the destination will not be flushed until the next iteration
> You only have to make sure that the destination fifo doesn't overflow in a
> single poll loop. If you assume that a 2048 byte block may contain 20
> messages, and you have 10 sources, you'll have to increase the fifo size to
> at least 10*20=200 entries.

What are the implications of changing max_connections to 300 in afinet.c
in the routine make_afinet_source?  I am wanting this to be able to be
used by 300 (or maybe a little more) computers for remote logging.  

I also need to make it so that if it loses a connection it will queue the
information until it reconnects probably upto some bound.  If I change the
fifo length upto something much larger, is it going to cause a problem?

Matthew M. Copeland