[syslog-ng]Can I prevent syslog-ng from prepending logs from other servers?

Gregor Binder gbinder@sysfive.com
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 22:11:27 +0100

William Yodlowsky on Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 12:32:58PM -0500:


> > William, I think you missunderstand the question from Matt.
> I have been misquoted  :)  Those words are not mine, but rather they
> belong to Gregor Binder <gbinder@sysfive.com>

Absolutely. I was the ignorant trying to give answers before I knew
the actual question ... please don't tell my boss ;)

Maybe it would be a good idea not to assume that people on this list
know anything but syslog-ng when posting a problem to this list. :)
To me, it actually looked like Matt was trying to get rid of extra
lines in his logfiles, and not extra information in the log messages.


P.S: Damn, and I thought my mind-reading capabilities were better than
     William's .. ;)

Gregor Binder  <gbinder@sysfive.com>  http://www.sysfive.com/~gbinder/
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