<div dir="ltr">hi <br>i have syslog-ng 2.O.9-27 on sles11 32bite (SUSE Entreprise server 11) on 3 virtual machine<br><br>i use the following syslog organisation<br><br>a <b>syslog clien</b>t (read error log and sends them to a relay)<br>
<br>the <b>relay</b> frorwords the message to a syslog-server<br><br>The <b>syslog server</b> writes the messages in a pipe binde to a mysql database<br><br>untill now everithing is working perfectly <br><br>but<br><br>in the syslog server i olways founf the relai host name ip adress<br>
<br>i tried HOST_FROM in the template writing to the pipe it is always the same the relay's hostname<br><br>destination d_mysql {<br>pipe("/opt/topnet/mnt/mysql.pipe"<br>template("INSERT INTO logs (host, facility, priority, level, tag, date,<br>
time, program, msg) VALUES ( '$HOST_FROM', '$FACILITY', '$PRIORITY', '$LEVEL','$TAG',<br>'$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY', '$HOUR:$MIN:$SEC', '$PROGRAM', '$MSG' );\n") template-escape(yes));<br>
};<br><br><br>imagine if i have aot of cilents with each one a diiferent error log i will see nothing but the relai's hostname<br>need hepl here <br><br>thks<br></div>